How much is too much Sulphur in solution?


Well-Known Member
I had a realization that the 25# bag of Jack's Finish would be enough for the rest of my life...and would have some left over to fertilize some flowers around my grave if I only used it for the final 10 days of flower.
So, I got some Calnit and Growmore micros and planned on using it for my entire flower cycle.

I used Hydrobuddy and got a mix I like, NPK 4-3-7 and K to Ca to Mg ratio about 4 to 2 to 1.
The only thing is the Sulphur is around 140ppm. Is this going to impact anything? All the other micros are at normal or just slightly elevated levels.
Can't comment on Hydrobuddy, but the sulfur question seemed familiar. According to
The Complete Guide To Growing Plants Hydroponically by J. Benton Jones Jr. it says in Table 4.9 that three different authors recommend the following PPM ranges for sulfur, 20 to 200, 32 to 640, and 32 to 400. If that info is good, then your 140 should be good.
sulfur is the most hamless of all elements to the plant.
there is no antagosnism i am aware of and literature is stating this too (beeing the most harmless).
my tap does have a 174ppm sulfur on its own without any fertilizer added, never saw it beeing a problem other then the pH can be too high due to the calcium carbonate in it (not sulfut related).