how much is too strong a breeze


Active Member
I have 2 20inch box fans about 3 feet away the the leaves closest to the fans are starting to yellowand eventually brown I had them on high because im battling heat. It looks and feels dried out (the second to last pic of the fan leaves)


Well-Known Member
sounds like u got a tornado in there,all u need is one oscilating fan and ur goood,way to much wind,way to much

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
If your battling heat, try puting fan at top pointing out of door/room as to pull heat out of room from where it is the most. ( heat rise's ) then sit a Oscalating fan on low, lower to floor to blow in nice fresh cooler air.


Well-Known Member
if you have a heat problem put the fan with the air facing out the door to blow the air out of the room. i wouldnt put such big high powered fans blowing directly on your plants. all you need are 1-2 desk fans. I use the ones that clamp but they have ones with stands as well. they are about $5-7 bucks depending where you go.

they typically have 2 settings. the one that i have blowing above my canopy stays on lo and the one blowing out my room stays on hi and then i also have a standing full size fan blowing out on med/high.