How much longer for mini plant?


Dont have anything to look at my trichs with so im just gonna have to hope for the best on havesting the mini plant at peak time, I know I still have a little ways to go but maybe you guys can tell me, about how much longer?


Thanks, I notice on some of my smaller lower buds they.already have red hairs while the larger ones dont, does this mean anything? and also the plant doesnt smell unless your nose is right up on it which exactly what I want but being that i have that many weeks left will it start to get a very strong smell towards the end before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Quite awhile longer. Chop 'em when the trichs are 85% milky/cloudy, and 15% clear (or less) for some tasty, heady smoke.


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents :eyesmoke: I'm thinkin' 3-4 weeks, or so. And don't worry if you have nothing to check trichs with. While trichome color and size are an easy indicator of "doneness". An even better indication (but seemingly harder to understand) is the maturity and ripeness of the plant. The pics in this tute say it all. It is like one of those, "I'll know it when I see it" sort of thangs :hump: And once you see it, you will pretty much always be able to tell, when it's choppin' time :weed:

Good luck and good work!

R2T :peace: