how much molasses to use in a DWC?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

after recently reading some of the info in the FAQ about molasses compared to purpose-marketed "carboyhdrate" supplements, I'm thinking that for my next grow I will try using molasses. Right now I've been using botanicare "sweet" along with botanicare pure blend pro bloom and liquid karma.

I'm wondering how much molasses per gallon of water would be suitable for a DWC system?

I am growing in soil, using one table spoon per gallon here of Black Strap Molasses and they seem to love it
From what I've heard, DON'T!!!! It doesn't work the same way for DWC as it does for soil growers.
Tcurtiss, thanks for the reply. Have you done a side-by-side comparison of molasses vs. no molasses and the effect on growth?

Ideally I would like to do a side-by-side of molasses vs. botanicare "sweet". However, next grow I'll be growing one plant each of two different strains, so a comparison would be meaningless....
Snutter, thanks for the reply!

Is that because it doesn't stay mixed in DWC? That is something I'd been wondering about. I knew when I bought the botanicare sweet that it was just a sugar cane bi-product, but I assumed that it was made in such a way to allow for maximum solubitiy in water and absorption by the roots....
Whatever you do, don't put mollassas in dwc!! go read my thread OM F'in G a page or 2 back. 1 dead, 1 almost dead and 1 hangin on pretty good. Don't do it they will go to shit overnight
theres a reason why companies market they're own brands for hydro, they only contain max 17.5% cane sugar, like flora nectar and sugar daddy, even less in Sweet, yes if theres an additive that you think is snake oil, its not extra carbs, the plants produce thier own carbs thats why you can get a great grow without additives, but why not let the plants focus on growth and give a boost at the same time? same reason why marathon runners eat bread and pasta the night before a race
im not saying that, they all arent cheap, i have sweet for like 65$ a gallon and floranectar for 25$ a qt, you can do without ofcourse, although its an added magnesium boost too, nothing but benefits if you ask me