How much money can you really make?

its all about the medicine man. We dont do this for the money we do it to help people that need it and ourselves. Matter fact im feeling achey. Bong. Much better.


Well-Known Member
I'm also doin a grow for personal use and to share with friends. However, I was thinking I might sling a few eighths just in situations where people ask and I happen to have it (which happens sometimes ya know) until I recoop my growing expenditures. but i'm wondering where you draw the line between personal and commercial. On the one hand, I'm against the whole hyperinflated black market economy surrounding marijuana, and circumvention of that is one of my reasons for growing, but at the same time, hooking people up with good homegrown bud for a (relatively) good price can't be all bad either, right? Do you guys completely shy away from ever selling a bag? Is it the large amount and steady income that defines a commercial op? Or maybe just the intent? Just some things I've been wondering...
I can see making money with growing the stuff in my area cause its hard to find. But i was just use to cash to buy Seeds and supplies and things of that such.


New Member
I used to make stupid cash back in the hayday (even by todays standards it was quite a lot) but trust me when I say its not worth it if they don't catch u growin they'll watch u for saling and end up finding a lot more than they bargained for (an op) I am strictly medical and a friend in need is a friend indeed. If a friend confides in me he needs weed ( and is not taking advantage of my selfless nature) ill hand them a bag and a jar and they can have what they need. It all comes back around again in the end. Unfortunately a good bud is not like some good bud.. It won't be found hanging from any trees need more grow more don't contribute to the black market and don't become a dealer u will end up in it for the money then if ur lucky ull get ur piece then u won't wanna get off and make more money cause "hey I got like 6 elbows and 10k in my pocket why should I answer the phone?" And ull become one of those shitty dealers who ends up on some wierd version of tweaker time and tells people "be there in 30" and 30hours later u showwhich will eventually piss the wrong person off and they will turn on you..... This is assuming u don't get caught long before u get what ur after...
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Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

came across an interesting post on reddit about how much money you can realistically make at various 'levels' of cultivation...check it out:


Commentson reddit:

I'm interested since I'm planning a smallish operation myself. Do these figures ring true for you guys?
No, those figures don't ring true at all.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Active Member
I found something similar on the internet:

It calculates your potential yield, but only if you are using hps or mh lights. Also there is a self-sufficiency planner at the bottom.
I don't have enough experience, but i noticed that when you pick your dope growing level or whatever it basically says that complete newbies can harvest a lot more than they normally would. Maybe it's a best case scenario calculator. I would love to hear everybody's thoughts.

Also there are some informative articles about getting the most out of your light and how much wet weight translates into dry weight.


Well-Known Member
I found something similar on the internet:

It calculates your potential yield, but only if you are using hps or mh lights. Also there is a self-sufficiency planner at the bottom.
I don't have enough experience, but i noticed that when you pick your dope growing level or whatever it basically says that complete newbies can harvest a lot more than they normally would. Maybe it's a best case scenario calculator. I would love to hear everybody's thoughts.

Also there are some informative articles about getting the most out of your light and how much wet weight translates into dry weight.
That's a pretty cool calculator, but my question is, why do results decrease dramatically with an increase in light per square foot? I thought up to 10,000 lumens/sq. foot, the more light the better. I know it's possible to have too much, but that's not likely within the light options they provide, right? Like with a 400 watt hps, it says for 400 lumens/sq.ft. you'd harvest 340 grams, whereas with 10,000 lumens, you'd only get 177. Is this realistic?


Active Member
oh wait, sorry, i misread your question. They calculate your grow area by lumens per square foot, so if you put 10000 lumens per square foot while still utilizing the same wattage hps your results would decrease from 5000 because to do so you would have to use a very small area to grow.


Active Member
Yes, it's way too oversimplified to be accurate. SOG & SCROG are not even mentioned. I also thought they should have a max plant height field in there somewhere. I gotta give 'em credit for trying, though. It's something everyone would like to see.


Well-Known Member
i dont think you can really make a LIVING off of growing. theres too many factors, risks and it takes too long from start to finnish. you can SAVE money by growing, but if you want to make real hard money, you should sell something like coke/rocks, E pills or dope; large scale of corse