How Much Nutes?


Well-Known Member
i use fox farms all the way including their beastie bloom, open seasme, and cha ching.
i was wondering on how much nutes to put in veg and in flowering for max growth since following directions on the bottle really dont help at all, havnt gotten good results... anything positive will be appreciated.:peace:
i run a 1000w hps and its usually about 80 in there. i use foxfarm soil too. the fishy one


Well-Known Member
Hi there, I know this may sound daft but i would stick to the directions on the bottle even more so if you haven't used the nutes in quetion before. One of the most common ways to fuck up when growing is to over feed your plants.

As a rule of thumb when I'm growing from seed and the seed turns to a seedling i would use half nutes, this is when the roots are well established. I also use a growing medium like rockwool this way i can see the roots when they form. When the roots are formed well enough i move to full nutes always sticking to what it says on the bottle to begin with then slowly increasing the dose. Try sensi grow and bloom i've had top results with this product.

Peace out.