How Much of a Plants Potential Genetically Predetermined?


Well-Known Member
Up till now, for all of my grows I have either topped my plants, LST'd, done both, or done nothing at all.

Usually what I end up with is a plant with one large cola, and several secondary colas that range anywhere from 1/2 to 1/3 smaller than the main cola.

The smoke is always very good, but in terms of yield I never really noticed any dramatic increase when I topped or LST'd. Id end up with a little more, maybe 7-14 grams more, but not much more.

On my current grow I tried a different technique. Pruning. I took a clone form a sour lifesaver mother. All the growth 6-8 inches from the base of the plant was removed, as were several shoots that would have been nothing more than long branches with a small bud at the end. From the same mother, I took another plant and did nothing other than some LST. Both plants have otherwise been treated the same. Same soil, started under 12:12 at the same time, same nutes, light, watering schedule, etc.

The results are pretty dramatic. Both are at week 5 of flowering. The pruned plant is VERY different from its sister plant that is undergoing LST. It is basically one giant cola. It is easily twice the height of its sister plant that has been treated the same, is twice as resinous, and has a much more intense smell.

So, my question is this. How much of a plants potential is predetermined genetically. The results of my little experiment are kind of telling me that a plants potential is fixed, and that by topping, LST, etc, you may end up with more weight, but what the plants energy and what it is able to produce in terms of THC/Resin is distributed evenly over the plant, whereas with pruning, it is focusing all of its energy not into producing multiple budsites, branches and stems, but instead is put into making one giant cola that will eventually yield a better, higher quality product.

The way I see it is every plant has pre-determined potential. Now how much of that is genetics as opposed to being started right, stress, ideal conditions, etc. I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure everyone who has grown has had certain plants that "stand out" so to speak away from their other plants. It would probably take a lot of tests and recorded data to form any kind of a specific theory about the matter. As for you're two plants it'll be interesting to see which plant is of better quality or if they are about equal, and which plant yields more as final weight. Would be interesting to record a little data of that on your part.
Not much..
I mean of course LOTS of aspects are predetermined, but their quality is mostly controllable.

Anybody can make a good bagseed plant, as long as it's not straight hemp.
As far as I know, genetics are important, but not everything. If you're an idiot with good seeds you'll get bad weed, and if you have unknown/shitty genetics, but treat her well you can walk away with some pretty good bud, but in the end genetics will allow you to more easily and sometimes achieve at all the higher potency ranges of 20-25% THC.
Genetics is the singular most importent part of your grow. It gives you your foundation, The rest is up to you. Once you know you have good genetics, the plants ability to thrive is = to your ability to grow.
Genetics will determine traits associated with that strain.

Comparison would be like saying mom and dad both had brown eyes, so now do I.
Or same with hair color and what not.

BUT what you did has nothing to do with the genetics.
The two different methods of growing will always yield different results, especially the dramatic difference in methods in which you did.

The one you left with tons of growth and the same root mass, and one with pruned growth and the same root mass. Meaning all the energy that it can possible put out will be focused onto them limited bud sites, where as to the LST'd one, it has alot more providing to do. As for the stretching , I would say its an attempt for that plant to get as many new shoots out as it can, resulting in more pistils and a higher chances of collecting pollen to make a seed. Brings ya back to only the strong survive.

All im saying is you can only look at traits and genetics so far , once you start changing the environment and situation the plants grows, you no longer rely on genetics for what a plant will do, rather how they will react, and whats best for that reaction.
topping and lst'ing are good for some strains and not for others..depending on thier genetic make up and structure. When i grow blueberry i never top and never lst it, it just doesnt like it and will let me know at harvest time by skimping me for a half zip usually.
So in short yes genetics play a role in many things. But its alot more advanced than that. Some strains will be stable and others wont. That means you will ahve some predetermined phenotypes and a few other ones that vary a lil in a stable line. In an unstable line you will have some plants that are close in resemblace but alot more variances, then some that dont fit in the mothers or fathers looks, smell taste and potency. |For example Mr.Souls Princess, Cafe Girl and Genius....all found in a pack of F2 Jack Herer which is very unstable.

But like BBYY mentioned, your environment can change things somewhat as well, and you may misread that. My best grows are with strains i have experience with, for the simple fact i know what they want cuz i can read them better thru trial an errors. Genetics are one of the tightiest subjects you can read...its one of those things you will jus keep reading to lol

Understanding your plants is just as important as thier genetic make up still tryin to dial in my Cindy99 to yield a lil more....more trisls..more errors ...more learning lol it never ends man

liek Subcool says, you gotta break eggs to make omlets
Bullshit.. You can take any hemp strain, and inbreed it to the point of 30% thc. If you don't believe me, then where do you think all this White Russian and Chemdawg and all that junk came from?
Random, wild populations of cannabis selectively bred for generations.

It's down to choice, and personal actions.
So does that mean you have a strain that produces 30% THC ? if not, why not? It sounds so easy.Personaly I'll stick to my method of just starting out with good stable genetics and leave the "Bullshit" to the profesional breeders that have the time ,room ,$ and education to breed the genetics for me.Good luck with breeding that 30% strain from ditch weed. I look forward to your results .I would hardly call the lineage of WR or chem "any hemp strain". ever hear of "THE HARDY-WEINBERG MODEL OF GENETIC EQUILIBRIUM " check it out and get back to me on that Bullshit statement....:peace:
Bullshit.. You can take any hemp strain, and inbreed it to the point of 30% thc. If you don't believe me, then where do you think all this White Russian and Chemdawg and all that junk came from?
Random, wild populations of cannabis selectively bred for generations.

It's down to choice, and personal actions.
thats gotta be one the most uneducational things ive read today. Anf FYI WR is a hybrid from two well known strains., and CD was from a seed out of a bag of primo weed scored at a concert.

and id like to see a hapm strain produce 30% thc plants.....being as help has to test at under 1% im guess that to be impossible

you should read a lil before misleading people
Bullshit.. You can take any hemp strain, and inbreed it to the point of 30% thc. If you don't believe me, then where do you think all this White Russian and Chemdawg and all that junk came from?
Random, wild populations of cannabis selectively bred for generations.

It's down to choice, and personal actions.
You refer to a 30% THC strain as junk is enough for me to call you a fuck tard. You have nothing to add to this forum if everything you type out replicates the amount of stupidity in that post of yours. Making a IBL outta hemp and magically it gains more than 30x THC???

you say wild , random populations of cannabis? That are selected and bred for genetics,

Thats true, but they are not going around looking for fucking hemp or ditch weed.

Maybe ruderalis. indica or sativa land race strains, but they are far, far from some hemp.
You guys are raging now, this is all silly. Why are you getting mad about a plant?
What I'm saying is, all the pot your smoking today, came from hundreds or thousands of generations of selective breeding,
and in the VERY BEGINNING it was all wild ditch weed.

You guys must be "very uneducated" to not understand what I wrote.

I never called them hemp, or said that 30% is junk.
Is far as I know 30% is some of the highest natural occuring THC count I've heard of.

I'd love to hear that there's higher amounts, that would make my day, but until then 30% is the highest I know of.

I've never been so rudely assumed and insulted all at once in my life, perhaps it's because you only have
to scream at a computer screen, and not my face?

" You can take any hemp strain, and inbreed it to the point of 30% thc" + " I never called them hemp" = FUCKTARD!....:hump:
Genetics def play a part..1 main cola is better to me if i were able to that i would then u can get more of them in ur room and yield more most likly and u said its better looking smeeling and all of that so i would go that route....Can u tell me how to get that or prunning i think u called it??Thanks..
You act like we lashed out on you out of misunderstanding, I can only read what you write, not what you MEANT to write.
and what you wrote has nothing to do with what you just all of sudden had to correct.

So maybe you were the one that was "very uneducated" and perhaps just got "schooled"
btw , that was far from "raging"

I wont even waste any more time on talking about selective breeding,
We're just giving you shit, nobodys really mad or yelling.But if you are really this thin skinned perhaps you shouldn't start your posts by calling Bullshit. Thats the sort of thing that will only draw negative attention to you.Now wipe away those tears, grow a pair and defend yourself...Fucktard!!!...LOL...! :peace: