how much room for 2 plants


Active Member
I currently have 2 1 foot clones in a large 35 gallon garbage can thats about 2-2.5feet across and 3 feet tall i was curious if i start the flowering process now if they could remain in there the entire glow cycle with out the tie down grow tranning methods being used. any input would be great.


Active Member
If you bent them then the whole thing can get equal light and the lower nugs would be just like the top. It's easier to just leave it but then the top will be better than the lower part probably. It's more important in veg for a bigger yield but still makes a difference because the light is better closer to the bulb.


Active Member
i know you get bigger buds if you do the tie down method but i dont got anything in the garbage grow to tie them too and the guy i am getting the clones from at 1ft each never trained them to start so i figured if i tried to do it know the stems would most likely jsut brake cause they are too mature now to bend right? or could i still train them at this time if i just bent the new growth? If i did this though what cheap DIY could i use in a garbage can?