How much should I pay a pro for cloning my strain?

Jim Haddar

Well-Known Member
I have half-assed bred a strain that is good for my wife’s migraines and I want to make sure I can keep it around as a line of clones. Is there even such a thing as someone who specializes in propagation?

Does anyone know how much I would be charged per plant for tissue culture?
Cloning isn't hard. There are many ways to pull it off. You could read up on cloning and attempt yourself if you have a plant to take cuts from.:mrgreen:
You may be able to find a small company who does tissue culture near you.

I can get some cuttings to root but I don’t trust myself to be able to do it enough to keep the line going. I have other strains that root super easily but then suddenly they don’t. Right now I have more clones than I can handle but they are not as promising for medical purposes.
Clones a clone bro
keep them humid and yer fine your over thinking it

otherwise get stressing the plant till you get bananas or use the colossal mix spray
then dust your flower room and u got fem seeds r1

also check in stress you don’t want it to be easy or herm will come
If I stress em I will throw the easily stressed ones and keep the resilient ones if you get me they won’t herm and give female to female pollen
I was able to get four cuttings from Dr. McCoy to root a couple days ago, so the crisis is averted for now.

I had a really nice Gelato plant that I was able to clone and grow for three or four “generations” and then the cuttings just stopped rooting, even though I was doing all the steps exactly the same. That’s what I am concerned about. It’s not the first time that happened.
You should make a large back up batch of seeds of your hybrid. Put some batches in deep freeze. If you had kept the parent cuttings of your strain you would have been able to make multiple batches of seeds. With those seeds you would of always had the ability to find a similar phenotype to the cut you have now or maybe even better. On top of that you would of only needed to keep mothers of your clone in longterm veg to have the ablity to keep taking cuttings. If you pay someone to make for example a 1000 cuttings of your clone, how realistic is it of maintaining all those cuttings long term so you can keep taking more cuttings. Most people just keep mother plants in extended veg of what they like which can be done for many many years with not to much maintenance, which gives you the ablity to keep your exact plant genetics alive an the option of taking clones when you want almost indefinitely from those mothers.
I was able to get four cuttings from Dr. McCoy to root a couple days ago, so the crisis is averted for now.

Excellent news!

You might consider making some more clones even if you don't intend to keep them all, just to get the cloning thing down. Maybe check out some threads, videos etc, to see which method(s) might work best for you.

If I really need to keep a strain, I try to make sure I have two rooted clones of it before I put the last one of that strain or cross into flower. Also, if you have any friends / associates growing offer them a clone of your favorite strains. That way if you have a catastrophe, your chances of getting it back are a phone call away. Glad it worked out for you.
I was able to get four cuttings from Dr. McCoy to root a couple days ago, so the crisis is averted for now.

I had a really nice Gelato plant that I was able to clone and grow for three or four “generations” and then the cuttings just stopped rooting, even though I was doing all the steps exactly the same. That’s what I am concerned about. It’s not the first time that happened.
I try to lighten my feed for a week or two before taking cuttings, I like them to not be very green when you take cuttings. Nitrogen inhibits rooting a bit so sometimes I spray my plant a few times over a week to lighten it up, rain leeches nitrogen from leaves and makes it easier to have cuttings root. I also recommend using as little light as possible when rooting them, just enough light for them to know the photo period and stay alive. Too much light and too green of leaves will cause the plant to want to grow instead of root. When you start seeing new growth is when you start giving them more direct light.
I can get some cuttings to root but I don’t trust myself to be able to do it enough to keep the line going. I have other strains that root super easily but then suddenly they don’t. Right now I have more clones than I can handle but they are not as promising for medical purposes.
It’s not that hard just make sure you got the right temp and humidity
You take the cut (from bottom or top or midway), dip it in rooting hormone gel, place it in a choir plug and keep it moist. Wait a week or 10 days at about room temp and high humidity (use a dome if needed) and then place the plug in your grow medium when you see roots . then start upping the light intensity. I use potting soil.

It is part of the program bro- your fear of the unknown is holding you back. Once you succeed a time or 2 you will not need someone else to do it for you. If you can grow from seeds then you can sure clone your own just as easy........
