How much space do I need?


Hey guys, long story short I'm about to start the first grow. I will be going all out and using hydro for my first grow( am i crazy?) So i was wondering, i orderd some white widow feminized from Nirvana seed bank. How much space can i get away with for each plant? I'm going to be growin up to 30 plants and i got some space but it would still be best to put it all in one room. How much space does one plant need? Vertical space is not an issue.


Well-Known Member
Space required is determined by how big you veg the plant. I would estimate a plant will stretch and fill out up to 2x the size when you start flowering. Of course this is strain specific, sativa tend to grow tall and lanky while indica tends to stay short and bushy. You should do your first grow from seed in dirt and learn the strain before you go all out and spend the money for a hydro setup IMHO. I would also keep my mother plant in dirt if you plan on cloning and a perpetual harvest. Dirt is much more forgiving of mistakes than hydro, also your plants will not die if there is a power outage, same cannot be said for most hydro systems.

Also before anyone starts hating on me for suggesting dirt, know I use hydro. There is much more control over the nutrients an you can "dial it in" and get your plants growing like weeds (pun intended). I just think for a first time grow and not knowing the strain dirt is king.

As for space I would say if you are going to grow them to 5/6' then you will need at least 3x3' per plant, also take into account a 1000 w HPS with a reflector will cover 10 - 15 sq ft. or more if it is on a light mover.


well the info on the WW suggest it wont be getting much taller than 4 feet. what should I give her much space given she will only be about 4' (thats 4 feet right?)


New Member
meh stick with the hydro I grew soil, killed my plants, grew DWC hydro and grew 4.5 ounces off 1 plant. Hydro is so easy compared to soil. Just cram them in with a foot or so of space in between


Active Member
meh stick with the hydro I grew soil, killed my plants, grew DWC hydro and grew 4.5 ounces off 1 plant. Hydro is so easy compared to soil. Just cram them in with a foot or so of space in between
I also had soil problems so now im a dwc guy and my plants are looking GREAT! I did have a couple minor problems but it was my fault by not making sure the tote was light proof.get some flora series nutes from general hydroponics and do it up! its cheap as hell and easy as pie.all you need is a tote and net pots some hydroton( I used soil because a friend showed me how and his plants are the best ive seen) and an air pump with 2 lines and a couple air stones and black spray paint and your good.



Active Member
I just shut down my first soil grow (long story that can be found in "indoor growing") but I know my next setup up no more bs, I'm going hydro! High yields, fast growth, rock n roll baby