How much to grow


Active Member
I am new on this forum and a real :dunce: but have been reading quite a lot on here but i have a question if some can help me.

I know it is illegal in the uk to grow cannabis but my wife suffers from
Multiple sclerosis,and i was wondering if i did start to grow some how much would be to much.
Would say 6 plants be ok for 1 person and would i be sent to prison for such a small amount :confused:

cheers n


Well-Known Member
6 plants should give you at least 6 ounces return, grown per this sites advice. Takes about 120 days from seed to weed for the Indica's/blends and longer for sativas.

Can't know on the prison thing? Good luck. My friend w/MS says it really helps with the rubber legs?


Well-Known Member
its hard to say in the uk, theres no specific amount which makes it worse, its more the intent to supply which is the difference between getting a fine and getting some time in prison. keep the grow small, dont keep anything around which makes you look like a dealer (loads of little bags, digital scales etc)

your wifes condition makes it pretty obvious that its for personal use, but dont give them any excuses. the best way is to not get caught in the first place. think security at all times and dont tell ANYONE other than you and the wife.