How much will the electricity bill be?


Well-Known Member
im going to be running 4 1000 watt hps...and 4 inline not sure the cfm..i gotta check...

below i have copied and pasted what my light company charges...can anyone help?

Demand indicates the total electrical load of the equipment turned on at a facility during the highest fifteen minutes of use in a billing period. At LCEC, the demand charges range from $5.84 to $9.99 per kW, depending on which of the demand rates is applicable (see load factor explanation below). In accordance with rate tariffs on file with the FPSC, when a facility demands twenty or more kW of power at its time of peak use, it becomes a demand rate customer. If they do not exceed that level during the previous twelve months, they are billed on the non-demand rate.

thats run the hps 12 on 12 off for flowering


Well-Known Member
i had about 1/4 your setup my bill went up about 70 bucks a month but that was a 18/6 month so your probably around 2bills a month extra


New Member
the demand charges range from $5.84 to $9.99 per kW,

Considering I pay 14 CENTS per kW.. I must be mistaken? I don't truly pay that much do I?


Well-Known Member
Yes your kw hours are much lower than that. Im not sure what demand charges are but considering the highest rates in the US are 40 to 60 cents a KW hour this must be a different country.


Active Member
No way dude, your figures have to be wrong. I asked a similar question a few days ago and someone was kind enough to post this for me:

600W X 18 hours = 10800WH Then we can Convert to KWH: 10800WH/1000 = 10.8KWH (this is how much KWH per day the 600 watt will draw) We're running it for a month: 1 month = 30 days (or 31 days) 10.8KWH X 30 = 324KHW / month. Now we calculate cost using the rate of 23.5 cents / KWH. 324 KWH X .$235 = $76.14.

so for example, if it was adjusted for you.... your approximate total bill for running a 600w HPS @ $5.84p/KWh for 30 days on an 18/6 cycle would be $1892.16 <<--- so you better be growing buds of gold to make it worth it at that price, noting that i used the lower of the two prices you presented. Check those numbers again.

Where i live in New Zealand we are charged approximately 23.5cents p/KWh. Adjusting for currency conversion makes approx 18 cents $US. I know you guys pay more for power than we do, but the prices you have given would start a revolution, people would be going to war with their power companies if that was the case surely.