****how much?!?!****


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how much YOU all use for TIGER BLOOM per gallon of water in SOIL... and how often do you use that amount?

Thanks everyone!!!

Any other input would be LOVED...


Well-Known Member
Not looking for a rep but when using soil I usually use about half of what the directions recommend, or about 2 or 3 tsp per gallon of water.


Active Member
please excuse my sudden burst of ignorance, but what the hell is a rep and where can i find this type of information?
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
anyone else have tiger bloom knowldge??? like how often they use it and how much they use when they do?!?!?

I have rep waiting...


stays relevant.
for flowering I use:

2 teaspoons of tiger bloom per gallon
1 tables spoon big bloom per gallon


stays relevant.
for ONLY tiger bloom I would do maybe 2 and a half tea spoons. As often as your plants show they want nutrients. I let my plants tell me what they want, and when they want it. Having the 3pack of fox farm helps provide a well balanced schedule of nutrients allowing you to give your plants what they want, when they want it.