How my plants are looking ?

They were planted 24 days ago , sorry for crappy laptop pictures , plants are Mobydick , great white shark nevilles haze , arjan's strawberry haze , pineapple express , lemon skunk , hawaian snow , and 3 bagseeds , I don't know but The 3 bagseeds are outgrowing all plants and look healthy and sexy , others some are, some are not .

you can see on picture 10 that plant is bended it happened today after transfering them from another place , 2 plants did bend on stem , are they going to recover ?


Well-Known Member
how old ?

more then 3 weeks .. what kind of light you use ? seems a bit stretchy .. and small .. also need new pots I belive .. some with fresh nice soil and good drain holes ...


Active Member
That "bending" is usually defined as under-lit plants. Your plant's stem might be really weak and that's forcing them to do that. My suggestion would be to find a big stake and stake em' to it. That will help growth in a more upwards direction because then, it will not have a choice. :D Then, let em hangout for a few days and see if there's any signs of it bending or stretching. If so, lower that light. They may not be getting enough energy
They were on a balcony now I have them in my house for 2 days then I have to plant them outside on Tuesday , I guess the seeds that I bought are not healthy , because all 3 bag plants are growing real good , also for the bending it is not really bended it's like cracked kind of like super cropped , I still waiting for an answer for their recovery ?


Well-Known Member
stake them up and dont top they are way to weak.. in a little you can top... you can top a sativa.. you can top a basil plant if you want to..

why do you write with the font this big?


Well-Known Member
dont think about topping just yet .. insted tell me ... outside .. in your garden in the ground or in pots ?

plant em so a littel of the spindly stem is in the ground .. but not to mouch .. a inch maybe ..

try to read this:

once in the ground and addabted and it begon to grow agin .. maybe a week or 10 days .. you can top em .. I usealy do it at nod 5-6 (when it have 5-6 leave points) tho I FIM for more tops ..

look it up .. I like it a lot more then topping .. got 12 tops on one of my plants ..


Pretty high and stretchy. You should have incubated a little bit more under a dome. Light should be fairly strong but good enough to not burn. Possibly potting it in a 1g bucket soon.

How are the roots? Any sign of strong root system so far? If so transplant it! Needs a good home.
Ok My friend came pick them up today because we doing this together , I told him to transplant and bury plants close to first node because of the stretching ,He still didn't transplant them , I was thinking about to the 2nd cuz u can see after 2nd node the plant is bushier and compact but didn't want to harm them can I do that I mean transplant deep and bury it close to 2nd node or just to the first ??? pls reply ASAP He is doing the transplant tomorrow .


If you bury it up to the first or second node the whole stem will rot and die. You would be better off burying it shallow with 1/4inch of the root ball above the top of the soil so the roots grow down