How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}


Well-Known Member
Sorry if the question bugs you, i know its kinda a weird subject to just BRING up. But im just simply wondering what r YOUR standars fer giving a +REP to someone??

i Personally try to rep pretty often, not to be a rep slut, u gotta at least earn it. I aint saying i hand the shit out, but if i were to see someone help someone else with a decent manner, i might just +rep them.:eyesmoke:

what about you tho???


New Member
I rep when deserved, or when someone makes me laugh my ass off, or even a newbie that got his setup together and you can tell he/she done their reading.


Well-Known Member
I usually try to +rep anyone who responds to my threads, if they add something decent to the conversation, if they are being dicks to people though i usually wont, when i see someone help a newbie i'll try to +rep them, especially newer people who have slam dunk answers or really stick with the noob trying to help figure it out and that. I'll also +rep if a more veteran member helps too, but not as often, i usually forget. I also like to +rep those who start interesting threads. its funny fuzzy, we were talking about how alot of the old members have jumped ship and even the *newer* old members are disappearing and I was thinking about it and i realized i hadnt seen you in forever, i was worried you left us, lol, hows it going man?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i forgot one, if someone(especially noobs) shows a really good setup or plants or shit like that i'll almost always +rep them for their good work.


Active Member
I rep all the time. On the music forum, newbies that don't ask stupid questions and have a relevant issue... I actually just gave rep to someone that I dont like.... cuz he has a rare EP by one of my friend's bands.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty controlled with the rep, anyone can post a million post in the general forums... but rep should signify that you know something, did something, or have something of quality to offer the community.

on my old forum, I was a rep bandit... and I know if I just be cool and help people I'll get it again... people who are cool and help me (because even the greatest among us need help...for instance I suck at electrical work) I give rep :)


Well-Known Member
com crashed hard still cant get sound ,and went to new orleans last mo.
i got rep from u rob
There was a guy askin bout dwc advice for +rep, so u replied then repped HIM, and i was hot on ur heels and did the same and repped him, and u thought it was funny and repped me, so i repped u and that guy repped me/us both?..

I was tryin to answer alot of q's and wasnt really gettin repped much, and it makes u kinda feel like an ass for asking for rep so yeh i dont really give or recieve much anymore..

And im pretty much too lazy to rep these days, requires finger movement etc, clicking and so on.. blame it on technology..

But i should/will try to rep more


Active Member
i just reped a guy for being funny. thats the first time for that. i rarely give rep, but when i do it is for something insightful/helpful/accurate or creative. i feel that if you rep too much then rep isnt worth much.


Well-Known Member
ya to be honest i dont think about it ever.. I give it out rarely honestly.. but today I will rep everyone on this thread up to this point.. since I know uve all deserved it :) and have all helped me in the past. Btw fuzzy, ive tried to rep ya recently but it wouldnt let me..