How often should I feed w/smart pots?

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
I'm curious how often I should be feeding using smart pots... I've got about four more weeks until harvest, and have been feeding about twice week depending on how fast the soil dries. I'm asking because I'd like to feed them more, but I don't want to waste these expensive ass nutrients. I know that they only use as much as they need, and fear that I'm flushing the unused when I water.


Active Member
I feed twice a week with waterings in between and a good guano top dressing every two weeks.. they need water everyday tho...good thing with smartpots is its really hard to overwater depending on pot size... how big are your smartpots? Try upping the dosage or adding a third feeding per week... its good to water in between just dont put so much water to where it flows out and ur not flushing anything


Active Member
They look fuckin awesome man good work! Just keep doing what you're doing, maybe try upping the dosage for the 2 feedings rather than a 3rd bc u probably don't need to water everyday with 40g bags...just get some watering in between ...also organic sources of P are great bloom boosters that won't burn (easily), i use Jamaican bat guano ($10 for 2lbs at hydro store)... i plan on feeding nothing but bat guano/molasses solutions and water last two weeks as they're not salt based and i dont want to cut ferts.... i want fat nugs lol