How often should I run my 4in squirrel fan and filter in my 2 by 4 grow tent


Active Member
Got a 2 by 4 grow tent need to know how often I should run my filter it is cold right now and trying to conserve on electricity


Well-Known Member
Well when the lights are on, as often as required to maintain temps. If you don't have to run it to maintain temps then if you ran it one minute every half hour that should keep the CO2 levels at ambient.

When lights are off avoid having your temps drop below 72 or you are asking for powdery mildew.

Keep the humidity between 45 and 50% to avoid issues.


Well-Known Member
Got a 2 by 4 grow tent need to know how often I should run my filter it is cold right now and trying to conserve on electricity
on a side note if you run your extraction fan 24 hours often you can get away without a carbon filter till the last week or 2 of flower, if at all, you may not even need a carbon filter with that size of tent. if you only run your fan when lights are on , and off at dark...after the dark period when the lights and fans kick back on the build up of smell will be a dead give away. often it will temporary over load the filters ability and some smell will escape, i recommend you run your extraction fan 24 hours to dilute smell and get a fan speed controller variac to eliminate the fan hum not a cheap fan controller. Get a oversized fan and ducting 3 x as big as you need and use a variac fan speed controller to slow it down , makes the fan almost silent, fans dont use much power compared to lighting.I use 250mm ducting in a 4x4 tent and a huge fan 1400 cfm dialled down with a variac controller and its so quite you wouldn't believe, as close to silent as you will get but it depends on you budget i guess , any fan running at a third of it max airflow will be very quiet. but i added sound ducting and a silencer to mine, but probably didnt need to, its quieter than a air conditioner on low, my one extraction fan vacuums 2 tents fine with negative pressure , tents linked together with ducting at 1/4 speed it keeps them cool in summer, the first tent is sealed the second tent draws the cool air..
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