how often to give nutes NFT

hi , could someone help with a couple of questions.

should I be giving the plants constant nutes in an NFT system ? or ,, should I be giving them PH'd water in between feeds ?

what do i buy to stop algae growth ? and do you add it to your nutes when mixing a batch up?

thnx in advance for any help



Well-Known Member
1) ive never had any problems with algae, but this probably has to do with media choice, keep the water moving and you wont get any algae. cover any damp places that are hapitable fro algae from light.

2) i add fresh water once a week, i dont even dump out the old res water or nutes. this usualy mean i have to add some res water and about 50% dose nutes. if i did the whole switch up i would do 100% nute strength.

3) constant nutrition til the last 2-3 weeks.

answered in reverse of asked srry.


Well-Known Member
In an nft system you can run constant or inner a timer. I find it much better to run around 1min on, 5 min off. This let's the roots breath and helps keep Res temps down.
Algea has nothing to do with media choice, its all about light. No light=no algea. Simple..
thanks for your help guys .. I have bought caps for the rockwool cubes ,, this should cut the light out and hopefully deal with the algae.. I have also added a large air stone into the res to keep the water moving/oxygenated ..

I am getting conflicting info about how often to turn the pump on in the res.. I have the pump set so that there is only ever a trickle of water flowing through the system. 3 or 4 mm deep at the most.. will this be enough to feed the plants and also let the roots breath ??

thnx again, Ectomoroh ;)