How often to water coco in large containers?

I recently transplanted my plant into a 5 gallon container up from a 1 gallon which should be the final container. I'm new to growing so this will be my first time growing in a larger container. How often should I be watering her in a 5 gallon pot of coco? I know the 20% runoff rule but does the same rule apply in such a large container?

Also, after the transplant I gave her a good watering. Should I not water for a day maybe two so the roots explore her new pot?
Yes, salts can build up in any size container.

Depends on the size of the plant, environmental conditions, time of life cycle.
She's about 15 inches tall, 6th week since planted, still on 18/6 light cycle.

I guess I'll just have to feel it out, just wanted to know the general consensus when watering coco in larger containers. Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to continue watering with 20% runoff.


Well-Known Member
Well I will give an example in soil. I run 10 gallon pots. When my plants are young they can take 10 days between waterings. At their peak thirst during flowering they can need water every 16 hours! In coco you don't want it to dry out like soil so you could cut my times down for coco.


Well-Known Member
I think watering coco can be done many ways and they all work

Main thing is never letting it dry out.

Ill use 5g fabric pots for examle

Some are watering once daily to 20% runoff
Some are watering 3 times daily with minimal runoff
DJM is watering 6 times a day with NO runoff

Environment plays a huge roll, high temps and rh allows the plant to drink up fast and often, resulting in more frequent waterings.
Plant size too, DJM mentioned above is growing indoor monsters, so his plants consume more water than a smaller plant obviously.

The main thing from what ive gathered is making sure you give the root ball a chance to expand and explore for water when they are young, so slight wet/dry cycles help with this, once its established, you can water any which way you want, as long as the coco isnt drying out ever.

Oh and your water should always have nutrients in it.


Well-Known Member
Also, after the transplant I gave her a good watering.

I wanted to mention that you should never give pure water (and especially RO)...always add something like 1/4 strength nutes or calmag. Pure water tends to wash out the calmag buffering.

You a first time coco grower?

I'm in coco...3 gal fabric pors and am currently watering daily with minimum runoff and once a week, they get a heavier feed with more runoff. Even with low dose need runoff. Or you'll be dealing with issues late in flower. Prevention is much better.
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