How safe is a apartment grow?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
All depends. If you are able to do things covertly enough, ya can keep yer electrical down, and even if it sends a flag, you claim to run servers fer yer computer.

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
if your growing 1 - 6 plants dont worry about the cops finding out through the power bill main thing is odor control carbon scrubber works good dont tell any body mind the company you keep does the land lord come by a lot maybe to change the filters or some shit is your grow room by that type of shit ventilation hope this help's

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
It's going to take some pretty comprehensive odor control for anybody that steps foot in your apartment to not know what's up immediately.


Well-Known Member
the key to apartment growing is to only grow small for personal use and only in a stealth cabinet (or a few) which can be a simple piece of furniture like a wardrobe cabinet or anything that would look normal in an apartment so that even if there is a emergency and the lardlord needs to rush in or even if there is a fire safety inspection your plants are totally hidden and also address the smell with carbon filters.

This is coming from a guy who used 2kw plus A/C plus odor control and etc etc and grew pounds in a 1 bedroom middle floor apartment out in the open. (Well one and a half bedroom)

Why do I say you should only grow in furniture etc? Because I was fucking paranoid as a MF and you will be too because at any minute you could get totally fucked if for some reason something happened or who knows. You live with a shitload of other people in the same building and the landlord has rights to look for people like you with fire inspections and shit.

Save yourself a shitload of worry and put a wardrobe cabinet in every room if you have too, with carbon filters in ea one.
If you need an excuse for a shitload of power, if you run more than 1kw, just say you run web servers and gaming computers.

If you feel a need, you could even have dummy dead servers lined up appearing to be working with led's lit. (this is overkill, you do not need to do this unless you are just paraniod as can be.) I thought of this as a way to excuse my having a window A/C unit running 24/7 in the dead of winter.

If you never tell anyone and you grow in furniture and you control the smell you will be cool indefinately. It's when you fuck up and your girlfriend becomes an ex gf and gets seriously mad at you...


Well-Known Member
I grow in an I sleep in the living room, my 1 bedroom is my grow room :bigjoint:

If its done right its actually safer. If its a house, as soon as theres smell complaints its easy to point out the house. When you got a top floor end unit and you run carbon filters and keep power within reason then its no more risk then a house. Just be careful when bringing stuff in/out. Invest in some Rubbermaid bins and a dolly.



Well-Known Member
Hey BC...

What size grow do you do and is it in the open or in a stealth cab? That whole bedroom?

My hat is off to you again if you don't EVER worry about it. Myself I'd rather have stealth cabs everywhere.


Well-Known Member
if u think about it as long as u contain the smell inside ur apartment and it doesnt leak out ur cool cuz apartments dont have many windows to be seen through, i'd say safer than a house if u own rather than rent cuz of landlord situations


Well-Known Member
The whole 13x13ft room is dedicated to growing weed. Half the room is taken up by the Homebox XXL tent (5x10ft) with 2 1000w HPS in it. I also have 2 12lb carbon filters in it. I run 32 plants in soil when flowering.

The closet for the bedroom has a 250w HPS for mothers and a few CFLs for clones. The rest of the room has a big 8000btu portable AC/dehu and a 120L res and a smaller fresh water res, both with airstones. I got like 10 regular fans around the room just moving air and I just got a humidifier today. I have one 4" vortex fan hooked strait up to one of the filters just exhausting the tent, its hooked up to a cooling thermometer, and I have one big 8 inch thats cooling the lights and pulling air from the other filter, it runs to a hole in the wall into my living room. (free heating :wink:) And it helps with air exchange rates for the bedroom a lot.

Im renting The guy Im renting from is pretty chill but he has no clue. When he comes to pick up rent I just open the front door before he gets up the stairs so it doesnt look like Im hiding anything. The grow is odorless outside the grow room so I never really have to worry too much, even in the room you have to stick your face in a plant to get a smell. It smells worse from me smoking fat kush joints all day..:bigjoint:

Apartment grows are the shit. Im going to be getting a mortgage soon so things will be getting easier. Iv been dreaming of buying 2 condos side by side, I could live in one and run power from one to the other, that way I could run a bigger grow in 1 condo, and live in the other. :twisted:

If I got a pair of 2 bed condos I could run a 6000w flowering room in the growing condo with no issues about using too much power.

done right, condo grows can be very rewarding. But dont do Anything half ass or you Will get busted.



Well-Known Member
Dont act like your hiding anything. As soon as you do they will serve notice for a 24 hour walkthrough..

Im lucky, my landlord just owns this one condo, and he lives way across town so I usually pay with post dated checks, makes life easy for me.



Well-Known Member
Cool BC... Sounds about right 6kw from two condos...

Hell yea if there ever was a time to buy two condo's now might be it. In some areas it would be two for the price of one. But the problem could be that what if weed did become legal, or what if because of the economy we do go into a real great depression. In that case, fewer and fewer will actually have money to buy and it could be that there end up to be too many growers in your area trying to sell and then nobody gets enough money to make it worthwhile.

I don't know, just saying...

I know someone who does a two condo thing... Not a friend, but I know for a fact it pays for both condo's mortgages plus living and partying and in his case meth. (this guy turned into a meth head, even though he still grows weed to support that habit so needless to say I'm not friends with him any longer, but I do see he's still there when I drive by sometimes.)

That guy never worked a day in his life and still even with meth is doing ok I guess... Hard to fucking imagine.


Active Member
I have a old wardrobe with a couple of plants with a 400w ag grow in an old single bedroom 2nd floor flat. been there 6 years and never had an inspection. the setup is in the bedroom next to the door to the bathroom. other than leaving the window open a bit and closing the curtains when i open it thats about it for security. the only time i had a heart flutter was one saturday morn, the water had been turned off to the whole complex for some work so i split for the weekend to a friends place couple of hrs away. The clown upstairs had put the plug in his bathroom sink turned on the tap and when no water came out, went out leaving the taps on. while later when the water came back on his sink overflowed and his floor drain was blocked with crap as he is a slob and it flowed out into his bedroom then worked its way down the walls into my place soaked the shit out of my bedroom then went down into the flat below mine. they were home and bashed on my door i wasn't there so when i got home i found from a cool neighbour that the fire dudes and cops had been in my flat. they thought i drowned or something and was dead in the flat. the fireries laddered up through the window saw all the water on the floor i have a tv dvd player in there as well so they killed the power to the flat. good thin as the fans stopped in the cupboard and it leakes a bit of light as well they could not find a body or tap running so they went upstairs and sorted the dude out up there. then they came back down squeegeed all the water out of the carpet back into the bathroom floor drain lifted all my shit from on the floor and under the bed high and dry. opened all the windows to air it out locked the door on their way out and turned the power back on. they did all this while right next to the plants. when i saw and heard what happened well you can guess how i felt. i kept going like normal and just waited for the knock. never happened.
so what they say is right. it will be someone else who stuffs up that gets you busted. bit of a laugh now but i was crapping bessa blocks for a few weeks.



Well-Known Member
No matter how safe you garden indoors is there a be only one yute whitch will bring the babbylon busting upon ya door and that is yourself board windows with a foil backed plaster board and no heat will be lost give the police helicopter a chance to see a heat source escape.same has exstactor fans most yutes a put all the old air blowing outside.dat a be bad news too if you have a wooden floor put the hose under flooring ya be supprised on how warm this can make the house that way the heat source will be spread out through out the whole house.even more inportant than that don't tell any one the less that know less chance off police kicking your door in.tell no one only the person liveing in the house with you[girlfriend or wife]


Well-Known Member
I am liking the tent BC that looks awesome. Is the environment pretty easy to control in there? I might do the same...although an open room would have a little extra space....


Well-Known Member
I have a old wardrobe with a couple of plants with a 400w ag grow in an old single bedroom 2nd floor flat. been there 6 years and never had an inspection. the setup is in the bedroom next to the door to the bathroom. other than leaving the window open a bit and closing the curtains when i open it thats about it for security. the only time i had a heart flutter was one saturday morn, the water had been turned off to the whole complex for some work so i split for the weekend to a friends place couple of hrs away. The clown upstairs had put the plug in his bathroom sink turned on the tap and when no water came out, went out leaving the taps on. while later when the water came back on his sink overflowed and his floor drain was blocked with crap as he is a slob and it flowed out into his bedroom then worked its way down the walls into my place soaked the shit out of my bedroom then went down into the flat below mine. they were home and bashed on my door i wasn't there so when i got home i found from a cool neighbour that the fire dudes and cops had been in my flat. they thought i drowned or something and was dead in the flat. the fireries laddered up through the window saw all the water on the floor i have a tv dvd player in there as well so they killed the power to the flat. good thin as the fans stopped in the cupboard and it leakes a bit of light as well they could not find a body or tap running so they went upstairs and sorted the dude out up there. then they came back down squeegeed all the water out of the carpet back into the bathroom floor drain lifted all my shit from on the floor and under the bed high and dry. opened all the windows to air it out locked the door on their way out and turned the power back on. they did all this while right next to the plants. when i saw and heard what happened well you can guess how i felt. i kept going like normal and just waited for the knock. never happened.
so what they say is right. it will be someone else who stuffs up that gets you busted. bit of a laugh now but i was crapping bessa blocks for a few weeks.

damn dude, close call... i just cant believe they also went through personal belongings under your bed

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I have a old wardrobe with a couple of plants with a 400w ag grow in an old single bedroom 2nd floor flat. been there 6 years and never had an inspection. the setup is in the bedroom next to the door to the bathroom. other than leaving the window open a bit and closing the curtains when i open it thats about it for security. the only time i had a heart flutter was one saturday morn, the water had been turned off to the whole complex for some work so i split for the weekend to a friends place couple of hrs away. The clown upstairs had put the plug in his bathroom sink turned on the tap and when no water came out, went out leaving the taps on. while later when the water came back on his sink overflowed and his floor drain was blocked with crap as he is a slob and it flowed out into his bedroom then worked its way down the walls into my place soaked the shit out of my bedroom then went down into the flat below mine. they were home and bashed on my door i wasn't there so when i got home i found from a cool neighbour that the fire dudes and cops had been in my flat. they thought i drowned or something and was dead in the flat. the fireries laddered up through the window saw all the water on the floor i have a tv dvd player in there as well so they killed the power to the flat. good thin as the fans stopped in the cupboard and it leakes a bit of light as well they could not find a body or tap running so they went upstairs and sorted the dude out up there. then they came back down squeegeed all the water out of the carpet back into the bathroom floor drain lifted all my shit from on the floor and under the bed high and dry. opened all the windows to air it out locked the door on their way out and turned the power back on. they did all this while right next to the plants. when i saw and heard what happened well you can guess how i felt. i kept going like normal and just waited for the knock. never happened.
so what they say is right. it will be someone else who stuffs up that gets you busted. bit of a laugh now but i was crapping bessa blocks for a few weeks.

Awesome story, brah! +Rep fer havin it all right!


Well-Known Member
I am liking the tent BC that looks awesome. Is the environment pretty easy to control in there? I might do the same...although an open room would have a little extra space....
Its easy to control with my 8000BTU AC/Dehu, all my fans, and my new It actually manages perfectly, I almost never run the AC, I just run the AC fans unless I need to dehu which is rare. I wont have any problems when summer comes rolling around.

Cool BC... Sounds about right 6kw from two condos...

Hell yea if there ever was a time to buy two condo's now might be it. In some areas it would be two for the price of one. But the problem could be that what if weed did become legal, or what if because of the economy we do go into a real great depression. In that case, fewer and fewer will actually have money to buy and it could be that there end up to be too many growers in your area trying to sell and then nobody gets enough money to make it worthwhile.

Now is Definitely the right time. Im not too worried about weed getting legalized. Its already decriminalized in Canada, you wont get arrested for possession here, they wont even bother with a ticket for weed.

Im not trying to be a weed baron or anything, I will always be able to make enough selling to friends, family, and the 10 or 15 dealers that I Theres never enough High Quality weed in BC.....or anywhere really. Even with a depression I doubt the price of pot is going down. If anything there will be less people growing, which means more demand for high quality product.

Im not too worried. I could sell my product for Half of what Im selling it for now and make more then enough money. Compassion Club in BC also has a court order to be able to buy high quality marijuana off of any illegal grower. They actually have a policy, they wont buy more then a few pounds a week off of any one person because they try to buy off of as many different people as possible to keep a nice range of product, so thats always a last resort for some quick cash.

If we do go into a depression, I could always just switch out the Chronic for whatever Vegetables are in high demand. Ill just be one step ahead of everyone else who can't afford food. Im sure there will be people happy to trade for any high quality products too if we ever did go into a depression.



Active Member
damn dude, close call... i just cant believe they also went through personal belongings under your bed
No they never went thru anything . they just simply got it all off the wet floor and put it on the bed. ireally should have dropped in to the fire station with a case of beer.
still lucky tho