How safe is this?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ive been posting on here for a couple weeks now, but the thought keeps popping up in my head, "couldnt I get busted for posting pictures of my plants?" couldnt there be law enforcement trolling through these threads and using their special priveledges to find out where you live?

Ive been feeling like it must be pretty safe since everyone else is posting all kinds of stuff, so how safe am I to be posting on here? anyone know of someone getting busted via RIU? thanks guys hope I didnt send anyone into a frenzy of paranoia...


Active Member
it's as safe growing weed in your own home..

there's millions of illegal websites rollitup is hardly anything to be targeted..

Pat the stoner

New Member
I don't know the whole world is fucked up , let's make a plant illegal heh heh . The mindset is wacked out , cause then they can justify coming to your house and robbing you . I think of that often when posting I just don't think they have the resources to waste on little ass me with my tiny ass little grow . But I do hate they fact I have to concern myself with such bullshit .


New Member
In the terms and conditions you and everyone else agreed to when joining this site it clearly states that we agree that we are not using this site for gathering incriminating evidence and all information gathered here is not presentable as evidence in prosecution. Not the exact wording I am sure but it is there.


Well-Known Member
watch out everyone that ever posted a plant pic on here had their door kicked in the next day. they are probably already watching you and tracked your ip address.


Well-Known Member
alright guys Ill stop worrying then, I mean theres so many people on here, my chances of being targetted would be like winning a lottery if not 0%. If I were going to turn my whole house into a grow-op and run a big show that would be different, I might have justified paranoia in that case, but Im just sprouting ten seeds and growing out however many females I get so I suppose I should be just fine. Let the pictures roll on it :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
alright guys Ill stop worrying then, I mean theres so many people on here, my chances of being targetted would be like winning a lottery if not 0%. If I were going to turn my whole house into a grow-op and run a big show that would be different, I might have justified paranoia in that case, but Im just sprouting ten seeds and growing out however many females I get so I suppose I should be just fine. Let the pictures roll on it :bigjoint:
you are more likely to get caught by violating the three cardinal rules
it is the first one that most people get wrong and this is how leo works at "fighting crime."


Well-Known Member
Are they really your pics? reasonable doubt an all.
This website is for informational purposes.

If your using a dr rec to grow 100 plants, well, you are asking for trouble. but if you stay in your states statute, why worry bout it....

*wireless internet, My neighbors do naughty


New Member
you are more likely to get caught by violating the three cardinal rules
it is the first one that most people get wrong and this is how leo works at "fighting crime."

Absolutely agreed. Statistically speaking I feel for each person you tell your chance of getting busted increase by 20%. Tell 5 and you will likely be wearing some new bracelets and an orange jump suit.

I feel that as long as I keep the '3 commandments' the chance of my getting busted are like that of winning mega millions lottery 3 draws in a row. I have 2 plants growing in my closet for personal use only. I had a long drawn out 'discussion' on another forum with a real paranoid about FLIR. He was insistant that not only can FLIR pinpoint cannabis plants specifically. He also maintained that the DEA was systematically using FLIR on every dwelling in the country. Yeah, the guy was a real nut case! The DEA nor any other agency has the man power or funds to conduct any such investigation. These tactics may be used on an individual basis when a grow is suspected and evidenced by other illegal activity, on a major scale, or someone's BIG MOUTH!!

Personally I am very grateful for this forum. I like many others have a tremendous ego and need it to be stroked from time to time by showing off pics of my babies.

Picture 015.jpg

OMG!! my door just got kicked in 3 DEA, 10 SWAT team members, and 5 sherriff deputies just busted down my door! Goodbye RIU peeps I will talk to you in 10-15 years. LOL!