How sensitive is cannabis to light in the 12/12 cycle

cannabis out doors gets moonlight during its flowering i really need to be so anal about my grow room during 12/12?

I have a green nightlight that is hooked up to my surge protector that my ballast is plugged into so that light turns on saying "good to go in" when the lights are on cos the ballast is on. So i know not to go in when they are sleeping for sure...

I can see some light coming in from the bottom of my door but when I am in the room and the lights are off i cant see my hand in front of my face.



no clue

Well-Known Member
Right on. It is well worth being "anal" when it comes to cannabis. Some strains are known to hermie at the drop of a hat

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
I also have hermed 2 grows due to light leaks, first time was due to an added AC unit that had a tiny orange led and the second time was due to what seemed like an insignificant amount of light getting through my door. I have re ran every previously hermied strain successfully since I fixed my light leaks.


Well-Known Member
I have not experience indoors at all but as I've said before, I can read a newspaper in my outdoor garden during a full moon. Maybe plants grown with artificial lights act different than when grown in sunlight?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
the full moon is pretty bright sometimes, lets see what the internet says.

Full moon is .27 to 1 lux depending on latitude.

A 4 watt night light bulb is rated at approximately 20 lumens

I guess it is not that bright, who knew?? now if I can figure out lux to lumins conversion.....


Well-Known Member
I personally think it depends on weather or not you use fems, Sure you need to keep it as dark as possible but if you get regular seeds they are much more stable.


Well-Known Member
No you do not have to be so anal, many new growers have this weird obsession with stress, hermies and light leaks
still i would not interrupt them for long periods of time a few minutes is ok to check them if you have to

i keep my room dark enough so that the plants can't be seen, even if i was 1ft away from them i would not be able to see them
but there is still a small amount of light coming into the other side of my room from a mother cabinet

in a completely dark room, pupils enlarge and your eyes become so sensitive in this absence of light that the tiniest amount of light seems bright,
it will light up the room enough to see the outlines of the plants, just a few lumens from phone screen will do this in a very dark room.
the plants can't see this tiny amount of light they are not as sensitive as the human eye



Well-Known Member
They are very sensitive when its an indoor grow. I believe that outdoors it gets a little more conditioned to its outside environment where from the beginning it is exposed to a wider range of occasional light so it becomes a little more forgiving.
There was a time when I didnt believe this.
Man I learned the hard way what even the slightest variance indoors can do.


Well-Known Member
I accidently left the CFLs on two different nights in the middle of flower my last grow. The HID shut off but I had an array of CFLs that stayed on overnight, twice. No hermies or problems I am aware of. Not to say it couldn't have caused problems with another strain or situation, but it's not necessarily the kiss of death either.


Well-Known Member
i dont believe massive amounts of leak will stress them i think it more partial,like i said ive hermed out 2 grows from the smallest of pin prick holes in my tent but the intensity of the light shooting threm pin pricks on various parts of different plants will upset cant grow outside under a streat light...moonlight has been in the dna of cannabis since the beginning of cannabis stop using that theory