How should I handle this dispute?

I ordered some equipment, I got 10 inch vortex fans and 10 inch hoods for maximum cooling. I addition I got other items like fans and whatnot. The total was 1300$.

I received my order later then expected that is not the issue. My order is missing the hoods and a few other items. I called the company and told them the situation and they told me that the manufacturer no longer makes those size hoods, so at that moment he chose to refund the cost of the hoods, about 300$. I tried explaining that is not the only problem. The problem is that you didn't inform me of this the day I made my order, or the 11 days prior to me getting my late order. The items revolve around each other(10 inch fans and hoods)and cant work unless I have them both. Now I have spent a large amount of money on items I cannot use at the moment and cant use until I can find hoods(which seems difficult, they all use the same manufacturer). I would also have to pay 100$ in shipping to get them shipped because its not a big order and wait up to two weeks to get them. I tried telling him the problem is more then not receiving the hoods, it upsets the whole order and makes me pay more money. He wont stop calling it a mistake and trying to justify it with problems at the warehouse.


Well-Known Member
If you paid by credit card, call your card company and reverse charges and send back items as you did not get what you paid for, and the pieces you did receive cannot function without the missing items.


The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Yes a adapter is the simple answer to your problem.

But these guys fucked up.

If they were reputable and agave a shit they would inform you before shipping the product, thus saving time and expenses.

Don't let them fuck you over. This guy will defend himself to the last breath saying he made no mistake.
He did.

Talk to the manager, whoevers in charge, keep your cool, do not over react.

Nothing these guys like more than having a voice they don't like hang up in frustration, they feed on it.

After all hope is lost report them to the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and whatever other means necessary.

Just don't get yourself in trouble

Try to find the law that states they must inform you of not having a product before shipping, Im sure it exists.


Ursus marijanus
Are the ten-inch hoods available through another vendor? If so, I'd accept the refund and take the rest of my business elsewhere. I sympathize about the shipping, but while I would have treated it a bit differently as the vendor, I don't think he's liable. cn