how tall will they get?


i was wondering how tall plants get when there put out really late. im talking about end of june late, and from seed.


Active Member
from seed in late june, dang dude id say that isnt going to be a very big plant, depending on when your area starts to flower id say you will only get about 3/4 of a month of good veg time before the daylight gets shorter and your plants start to flower. i wouldnt expect anything more than a few zips off a plant that was put in that late.


Active Member
I'm new to this hobby. So new, I get my card on Friday and expect to start then. Can you buy the plants already started from dispensories and just start them outside? If so, would that help starting so late? The way I look at it, anyone starting in my area (Norcal) has to start late because the weather has been so terrible, there hasn't been any sun at all really.


Active Member
ya weather has been weird but ya most dispensaries have clones already rooted. some even have teen plants usually around a foot tall. if you look on you can see what dispensaries have what in your area.