How tall


Well-Known Member
That is a dependent on how big of plants you want. You can flip clones when rooted.


Well-Known Member
My light sits at about 5ft when should I flip my clones into flower
Minimum canopy to light distance + pot height + (plant size*2) = Max tent height


(Max tent height - pot height - minimum canopy to light distance)/2 = plant size to flip at

Example. If your pots are 12 inches tall and you want a minimum of 18 inches from your lights to the top of the canopy then...

(60 - 12 - 18 ) / 2 = 15 inch tall plants.

This is an approximation based on the fact that most plants double in size during flower stretch. If you think they will triple in size then divide by 3 instead of 2.
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Minimum canopy to light distance + pot height + (plant size*2) = Max tent height


(Max tent height - pot height - minimum canopy to light distance)/2 = plant size to flip at

Example. If your pots are 12 inches tall and you want a minimum of 18 inches from your lights to the top of the canopy then...

(60 - 12 - 18 ) / 2 = 15 inch tall plants.

This is an approximation based on the fact that most plants double in size during flower stretch. If you think they will triple in size then divide by 3 instead of 2.
Incredible thanks