How the fuck did this happen


Well-Known Member
okay this probably isnt the right forum to post in but right now i dont care

Definition of a schedule 1 narcotic:

Findings required:
(A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse.(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision. No prescriptions may be written for Schedule I substances, and such substances are subject to production quotas by the DEA.

Now how the FUCK did cannabis get labeled as a schedule 1 narcotic. that means that weed is considered as bad or worse than:
GHB: the date rape drug
Heroin: fucking junkies
Ecstasy: MDMA
Mescaline: Peyote

the list goes on....

weed isnt even as bad as alcohal!

yet FUCKING COCAINE is a schedule II narcotic which is defined as follows

the drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.(B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions.(C) Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.okay serioulsy when the fuck is our government going to relize that they are LOSING the war on drugs and that they have never even put up a good fight against it

the american government is in debt to its eye balls and has overcrowded prisons because of current marijuana laws. DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU CAN PUMP BILLIONS OF DOLLARS INTO THE ECONOMY, SAVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN TAX PAYERS MONEY, AND DECROWD THE PRISONS AS WELL AS FREE UP RESOURCES FOR THE WAR ON MORE HARMFUL DRUGS? (the fact that marijuana is even considered a drug sickens me)

LEGALIZE IT FOR CHRIST SAKES LEGALIZE MARIJUANA im starting to think that they keep it illegal just because they already started this "War" and are afraid to say they were wrong.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin
what do these founding fathers and highly respected U.S. heroes have in common


atleast 50% of americans agree that marijuana should be legalized or atleast de-criminilized.

the whole reason marijuana was made illegal in the first place is because it was a quick easy way to arrest mexicans in america that were cultivating it because in order to grow it you needed a tax stamp that the government never made availible to the public... it was all a ploy to make it easy to ship mexicans back down south...

when the fuck will this stupid shit stop



Well-Known Member
RIGHT ON!!!!! i have a whole book on why marijuana should be legal if anyones interested i got it on .pdf.


Well-Known Member
well maybe i should quit smoking...since its so bad 4 me n all

ill switch to a drug thats way more expensive and the law says its not as bad as a plant...ill start buying 8balls and start snortin away.......?????????????

FUCK THAT.......


all i gotta say is that if they never legalize it fine...ill live above the law



Well-Known Member
thats fuckin rediculous

we should have a march on washington!!!!!!!!

get every pro marijuana person in usa and start marchin! lol! not kiddin


Well-Known Member
thats fuckin rediculous

we should have a march on washington!!!!!!!!

get every pro marijuana person in usa and start marchin! lol! not kiddin

seriously... thats never really happened before atleast since ive been alive...

like imagine if we got like half a million people or even a million.

the million smoker march

what would our governments response be?


Well-Known Member
all i gotta say is that if they never legalize it fine...ill live above the law
Usually, people that think that they are above the law become polititians or corporate executives. I like to think of it as living outside the law. Who ever heard of abovelaws? But there are many outlaws that people look up to as heros. Just a thought.:peace:


Well-Known Member
its good to hear like minded ppl i hate feling like a bad person cuze i smoke grow and whatever its a bunch of bullshit thats why ima keep growen till its legal then im grow fields


Well-Known Member
for the love of cannabis...please stop calling it weed. look up the definition of weed and tell me if thats what you're growing..i know i am not


Well-Known Member
i think someone should go to NORML and tell them to try and organize a march next 420 for the legalization of sweet sweet mary jane


Well-Known Member
most people that smoke dont want other people to know that they smoke because it would "tarmish" their reputation or how they look in the eyes of their peers.
There should be a million march but it could be SO MUCH BIGGER if you smoke be proud of it. its helps you, it makes you happy, its something a lot of people have in common and may be the only thing some people have in common so i say be proud


Well-Known Member

I understand what you mean by lots of people hide there marijuana smoking because they feel ashamed that there peers wouldnt allow it

but in reality there peers and children and aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas and grandchildren and friends ALL SMOKE POT TO!


Well-Known Member
im down, just let everyone know about a year or two in advance as we are all stoners here haha...but it should happen im sick of this bulshit, i want to move away to an area where cannabis is not looked down upon, anywhere it would be worth it becuase all the government does is find out new ways to control us...thats my two cents peace


Well-Known Member
ya `i wish the government would just admit there wrong about marijuanas killer effects and just let people live free...especially because its a free coutry..let the people choose if they want to take the "risk" of smokin marijuana