How the world works


Active Member
A couple days ago when I was really ripped I cam up with a theory that all the entire world is just a part of a cycle inside of god. Like were cells and the purpose of us is to live and were like the cells inside of god. I don't know if that makes since but I seemed very interested in that when I was high.


Active Member
No one knows how the world works. It's a fun theory to think about, though you mentioned god with a quality of externalality- as if we are seperate from it.


Well-Known Member
God,Live inside???? yo what you smokin on Let me take a,nah just messing with ya but if You wanna trip out check out Illuminati New World order on youtube and check out Nassim Haramein Our true history on youtube also,you have to have an open mind,most people don't like to hear about shit like this,they just stick to what they know and are comfortable with

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Shit, man, what if we're the gods, and every cell in our bodies is really a tiny world? What if we're all just like those Russian wooden dolls, with one inside another inside another...sooner or later, we're gonna find the tiny doll in the middle. And that doll is made of pure energy. the whole world is just made of energy. we're all bundles and balls of energy floating and collecting and merging and diverging. twisting and whirling.

shiiiiiiiiiiiit, man. shit. deep, nirvana shit.

We Love 1

New Member
I actually agree with all of You guys!

Since God made the universe than He made Us too because We are part of the universe/Him.
So since We are a part of God, We are all "partial God" which can exibit godlike properties.
The analogy of Us being cells in Gods body is like how We are like "God" to the cells of Our body.
Our cells don't know about the big picture but they still work to perform their task.
Just as We don't know the big picture but are still on this Earth to perform Gods task.

We are all made out of star dust and get all Our energy from the Sun.
We are Gods energy in living action with conciousness.
We give God life just as He has given Us life because every soul is a piece of Him, born on the Earth.
I think of God as the cycle of the universe, a solar system is His atoms, a galaxy is a cell in His body and it all makes Him holy.

We are all One! Without You there is no Me and without Me there is no You.
But since We are One, in God, than We will always be.



Well-Known Member
A couple days ago when I was really ripped I cam up with a theory that all the entire world is just a part of a cycle inside of god. Like were cells and the purpose of us is to live and were like the cells inside of god. I don't know if that makes since but I seemed very interested in that when I was high.
Dude I thought of that before too! LOL

I imagined our massive universe as a cell in a body. Then imagined that body as a whole. How small we would be?

We are such insignificant creatures... haha
Sitting on this planet all alone, killing ourselves and everything else that lives here.

But anyway, in some sense we are like cells in God. We're all connected to one another. The entire universe is like a clock. Everything works together.


Well-Known Member
Here's a good thought on it...

Mind boggling, but very interesting. :blsmoke:

Merging with technology makes you a slave to whoever controls it, though. I really can't see human kind expanding beyond our planet until we can seriously work together and not have people with the wrong intentions controlling the planet.

When the world is finally at peace, we will achieve amazing things across the stars.