I actually agree with all of You guys!
Since God made the universe than He made Us too because We are part of the universe/Him.
So since We are a part of God, We are all "partial God" which can exibit godlike properties.
The analogy of Us being cells in Gods body is like how We are like "God" to the cells of Our body.
Our cells don't know about the big picture but they still work to perform their task.
Just as We don't know the big picture but are still on this Earth to perform Gods task.
We are all made out of star dust and get all Our energy from the Sun.
We are Gods energy in living action with conciousness.
We give God life just as He has given Us life because every soul is a piece of Him, born on the Earth.
I think of God as the cycle of the universe, a solar system is His atoms, a galaxy is a cell in His body and it all makes Him holy.
We are all One! Without You there is no Me and without Me there is no You.
But since We are One, in God, than We will always be.