How to adjust the ph of peat?


Active Member
add Dolomite Lime, its available at any garden center, and very affordable.
use at a rate of 1 cup per cubic ft of dirt (1 cubic foot = 7 gallons)

Dolomite Lime

Soil Conditioner

Leading agriculturalists give highest priority to the maintenance of a soil's pH.
West Coast soils are naturally acidic due to precipitation with a pH of 4.7 or less
(common to Lower Mainland). The application of nitrogen based fertilizers raises the
free hydrogen concentration of the soil which directly lowers the pH.
As soil becomes increasingly acidic, calcium, magnesium and potassium can be
leached out of the soil.
If poor growth, loss of stand, or weeds plague your lawn, Dolomite Soil Conditioner
may be the answer to your problems.
Acid precipitation of 4.7 (a typical pH) further
aggravates these conditions which causes
the grass to die out, and encourages the
growth of acid tolerant weeds.
Dolomitic limestone is the liming "product of
choice" because of the overall effectiveness,
low cost and ease of handling (nontoxic/
Although necessary to assure healthy growth
and colour, nitrogen fertilizers applied each spring remain at the soil surface and
create strong acid conditions in the top 1/2 inch of soil - the "Root Zone" for most
lawn grass species.

Typical Chemical Analysis
Calcium Carbonate..................................................................................54.6%
Magnesium Carbonate ...........................................................................41.5%
Neutralizing Value as CaCO3 Equivalent ..............................................103.8%