How to clone?


Active Member
I recently cloned a good looking mother plant about 2 days ago. I used a sterile razor to diagonally cut about 8 clippings. I then wet the bottom of the clippings and dipped them in "TakeRoot" powdered formula, followed by placing them in an organic soil mix and wetting the soil.

Did i do this process correctly? Or should i expect my clones to not make it?


Well-Known Member
Can you clone a main stem? I snapped my plant in half right above a set of nodes and immediately cut it under running water and have had it in a cup of a mild mild nutrient solution for about 5 days, it looks as good or better than it did on the plant, think it will root? I have heard some say You CAN NOT clone a main stem.

The plant has now taken off where it broke into 2 new shoots(kind of a forced topping, and a violent one at that.)


Well-Known Member
get youself a tray a humidity dome some rockwool cubes or plugs plugs are better they don'trub the hormone off and get liquid rotting gel works better cut them put them in the plugs have just enough water in you tray so the plugs are moistnot soaked put the domeon mist then 2or3 times a day in 4 to 7 days you've got roots them put themin there growing medium ive done it so much i could do it in my sleep;-)


Well-Known Member
I prefer 1'' ROCK WOOL cubes to make clones in. water once per day and within 2 weeks you got new roots. simple.

You should really make your final 45 degree cut under water, that keeps any air from getting into the stem and causing a kind of plant embolism. Mist once a day or so, I don't use a humidity dome. I like the rooting gel myself, and don't skimp on it either.


Well-Known Member
I prefer 1'' ROCK WOOL cubes to make clones in. water once per day and within 2 weeks you got new roots. simple.

You should really make your final 45 degree cut under water, that keeps any air from getting into the stem and causing a kind of plant embolism. Mist once a day or so, I don't use a humidity dome. I like the rooting gel myself, and don't skimp on it either.
what kind of lights are you using for them because i plan on doing my clones in rockwool also and not using a humidity dome either.


Well-Known Member
I am using a 400 watt MH about 30 inches above the cuttings. You can use CFL, Fluoro, or HPS if you need.


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 4 Bulb Tek Light about 4" above mine..

All you need is flourecsent and tek makes teh best one hands down.. Completely quiet and does not run hot.. Gets about 20k lumens on a 4 bulb 4 foot with only 216 watts. I keep mine one 24x7 and mist 2x/day

good luck to you