how to cover the smell?????


im startin a new grow in about a month with a 12inch pvc hydro system with about 32 plants the thing is i jus moved into a new 2 bedroom apartment nd its kinda close to the surrounding houses is there anything i can do to cover the dank ass smell willin to spend some money so if anyone has any recommendations id appreciate it thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Seriously lol; take 10 minutes out of your day and use the search button. Dont use ozone unless you know the pros/cons. Carbon is the most widely used, for a reason.
Sounds like this may be your first indoor grow. 32 Plants is an awful big undertaking for the inexperienced grower. I wish you the best of luck. Do yourself a favor, and read all the stickies at this site in all of the forums. You will be much more knowledgeable when you are finished. Good Luck to you.


it is but ive always started my plants indoor b4 i put them out side but ive been resaerching...ill keep it up thanks tho