How to creat easy Co2?


Well-Known Member
i found a co2 monitor will raise if you are in a room working or smoking a bowl by as much as 400 ppm a inclosed area.13x10.the cheapest most effective way of raising your co2 IMO would be a propane camp stove...and do a estamate with a CO2 calculator..available from greenaire google their web do it for you..but im lazy ....the more plants in the room the more co2 required..the only way to be accurate is to have a monitor..they make one time you can time your burner..and then do a test..then ventalate and fill the room a couple of times a day.....the monitor from greenaire is around 500 us dollars..the generator is around another 500....this would be the most accurate ....


Active Member
A super cheap and easy way is to let nature do it for you.
Here is what I did:

1. Take a 2 liter bottle and drill a small hole in the cap.
2. Put in yeast, sugar and water
3. Shake it up for 30-60 sec to mix proper
4. Let the yeast ferment the sugar and voila! You have cheap natural CO2!

Should produce a decent amount of CO2 for about 2 weeks

Hope that helps:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i heard you can use a candel keep it in there for about 3-4 hours a day you dont have to keep the candel lit the whole 3-4 hours you can put it out for awhile and re-lite it.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the homemade co2 info guys

pretty interesting, and from the youtube u can also use this with aquarium plants

i am curious if a homemade co2 would help plants tremendously or not.


Well-Known Member
yes tube it to your plants.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels should be high, particularly during the FLOWERING PHASE . Growth rates can be increased dramatically if the CO2 level is near 700 ppm. 300 ppm (Outside Air) 700 ppm (Ideal) 2000 ppm (Plants Burn) 5000 ppm (Death) CO2 is cheaply produced by burning Natural Gas. However, heat and Carbon Monoxide must be vented to the outside air. CO2 can be obtained by buying or leasing cylinders from local welding supply houses. Beware! The DEA has asked the supply houses to provide lists of large CO2 users. If you are questioned, simply say "I have an old mig welder at the house and I want to try and patch up my (Lawnmower, car, trailer, etc.). If you find that you are making lots of trips to the supply house, complain that your "buddy" keeps leaving the cylinder valve open all night. This should provide a plausible excuse.

this is why you use them homemade generator.


Active Member
Don't tube it, it will cause the CO2 to be too concentrated at the output. Just drill a hole in the cap and leave it capped. Tube it when it starts to flower, but til then you just want it to leak out into the area. Also when using CO2 like this you want some air flow in the area too.


Well-Known Member
The cheapest way would be to use a CO2 generator, the expense and time to get it hooked up and working is somewhat prohibitive as it is needed for larger grows than most people have. If you aren't growing 50 pounds of dank then the best way is with CO2 bottles, regulator and solenoid valve. Effective PPM concentration is 1500-1600 not 700. Do not use during veg stage, we want the buds to grow big, not the leaves.

The homemade co2 generator of yeast and sugar does not provide enough CO2 to make the 1500 ppm, perhaps several of the rank smelling apparatus can be used , the smell will gag a maggot.

No one is going to rat you out for filling a 50 pound bottle twice a year, thats hardly noticeable, now if you are filling 100 bottles each month that might be something to worry about, but those kinds of grows use CO2 generators as the economy of scale then makes it practical.

Use of a propane gas stove will kill you faster with carbon MONoxide (CO) than the plants will benefit from the CO2. Do not use a camp stove indoors, thats not only a hazard from poisoning , but it also is a fire hazard.


Well-Known Member
So if we have a small grow tent 36"-20"-64" the soda bottle would not be good. I herd walmart sells can Of this shit is this true? how do you measure how much goes in?