How to encourage bud growth?


Pretty self explanitory but I will elaborate XD I am starting a grow very soon (Nft tent system) and was wondering if anyone had some good advice on how to encourage bigger buds, thank you :)


bud bootlegger
the bigger the root mass, the bigger the bud potential.. same for veg period.. the longer you veg, and therefore the bigger the root mass can get, the bigger the potential is for bigger buds..


Thanks man, anything i should look out for using nft? as I imagine that the roots would be more exposed and vunerable using nft? or am I not getting it .. that could be it XD


bud bootlegger
Thanks man, anything i should look out for using nft? as I imagine that the roots would be more exposed and vunerable using nft? or am I not getting it .. that could be it XD
to be honest, i don't know poopoo when it comes to nft.. i wish i did as it looks badass, lol, but i don't want to lie and tell you something i have no clue about, sorry about that..

but the longer veg time will still hold true, regardless of grow style..


I both respect and appreciate that man XD Im a lil scketchy myself, which is why I haven invested 450 in a tent yet XD