How to feed my plants


Active Member
What is the best product to feed my plants during vegitative and flowering. There seems to be so many products. I wish I could find something that was not to expensive but highly effective and easy to use. I am growing in 7 gal. pots in a greenhouse. I tried Miracle Grow all purpose. NO GOOD! Too high in nitrogin. I tried House and Garden Van De Zwaan nutrients with lots of mixing required with 4 or 5 different bottles. To much hassle, expensive and poor results. Lots of enzimes but the Bio formula just does not give the plant what it needs. Help!!!!! Please!!!! Share your wisdon gained from your experience.


Well-Known Member
I use pure blend nutrients. They are all organic and not extremely expensive. I plan on using Atami products after this, but the pure blend has done very well. Check out my grow journal for pictures.