i have a perfectsun mini and not been using it all that much but my warranty ran out. i have been noticing lately that the one boards leds keep continueing to blow leds. i got the boards replaced while it was under warranty from my own stupidity thou, turning the light off and on too fast. but Ive got the rest of the non-burnt leds left over from this to fix leds blowing out. But i had one go out and I thought it was from the heat that day, and humidity that kicked on my dehumidifier. but then about a week later, one day theres another out led. So as I took it out to check it, i plugged it in and one of the boards would take a second longer to even start to light up then the other one which comes on slowly and brightens up within about 3 seconds. then a second into turning it on the 2nd board will start to come on, dim, then it seems to go out then light up and almost be at full brightness.
SEeing this i was thinking, the blinking as the light comes on is blowing out the leds one after the other. So i need to get this driver replaced. But how do i light them up at the same strength without blowing out the led diodes and everything? How do i find a replacement when i cant find a replacement to buy with the same model number as this one to run this with? NLGI-70PC-063A was the part number on the driver. i have a watt reader you plug stuff into to see how many watts it uses. i forget what this light shows but its right around 125watts plugged in, and all i can find are what they say are 60 watt drivers. id go over but i want to push the same energy through the leds as right now.
SEeing this i was thinking, the blinking as the light comes on is blowing out the leds one after the other. So i need to get this driver replaced. But how do i light them up at the same strength without blowing out the led diodes and everything? How do i find a replacement when i cant find a replacement to buy with the same model number as this one to run this with? NLGI-70PC-063A was the part number on the driver. i have a watt reader you plug stuff into to see how many watts it uses. i forget what this light shows but its right around 125watts plugged in, and all i can find are what they say are 60 watt drivers. id go over but i want to push the same energy through the leds as right now.