How To Flush Properly?


Well-Known Member
I need to flush very soon and then replenish with water that contains a better amount of nutrients. How much should I go about doing and do I just dump it all in at once or what? Plant is about a month old and in a 12" pot. The leaves are curled over and a few are browning. Pics on the Plant Problems section under "Need Nute Advice." Thanks


Well-Known Member
I think he means leech?
Flush is water as normal with ph'd water to get rid of nutes before harvest.

Leech is to run thru something like 3 times the amount of water/container size. This is usually to remedy a nutrient problem,salt build up etc. I would say do some more reading, but when I've done it i did it fairly quickly. once you fill it to the top of the pot a few times It will slow down depending on your mix. I would then fill to rim let water drain down to soil and fill to rim agian. From what I've read this should be done with a 1/4 strength ferts. Like i said just my 2 cents. I'm shure others will add to this too.


Well-Known Member
well a flush will work it just takes a lot longer though it is less stressful to your plant. Only thing id change with the regular watering is a little more water so a little water runs off each time. Should push the crap down and eventually out.

Just trying to get the same result without the over watering shock. Though depending on the severity of the nutrient buildup the faster way might be the only option.

I cant remember if you posted a photo or not ill go look for it.

Eh. I think you could pull off either option.


Hey I am getting little yellow/white spots on my leaves. The runoff Ph on them is as follows. 6.8, 6.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.6, 5.8, 5.9 . Here is a link to the pics. Please advise. Click HERE

Thanks again for the help.....