How to Germinate Seeds Picture


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I sound negative but here's no way I'm gonna germ my beans in a washcloth!
The taproot of the seed has micro-roots that will get all caught up in the threads and fibers, causing damage and the possibility of infection as they are pulled from the cloth. Same with some brands of paper towels.


Well-Known Member
Your not supposed to be waiting for the top root to expell. Only until the seed cracks. Then it's best to transfer the seedling to your medium with the crack facing down. That reduces all risk of infection from all the various sorces to almost 0%. So nah! I would have put pics of that up to but I figured everyone knew that. I'll be doing a tutorial on topping this grow. When I was researching it I found not that much helpful info or photos so I figured it was time for a new how to thread. Thanks for the replies everyone.

-That Dude


Well-Known Member
P.s. The windex bottle was cleaned thoroughly! I wouldn't recommend it. In retrospect that was a bad choice for a how to thread. Sorry.



Well-Known Member
I used a windex bottle once, and even though I washed the living fuck out of it. I could still smell windex in the water I was spraying. I even changed the sprayer. The windex absorbs into the plastic, so personally, I would go out and buy a new spray bottle.

Also, in regards to the wash cloth. I would rather use a non printed paper towl.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of the new sprouts. the pics are of tupperware containers with 4 sprouts each seperated by thin plastic dividers just under the soil for easy tranplanting. Some people have said you shouldn't group them but it ALWAYS works for me as long as they are transplanted into perminant homes before they outgrow they're space.
