How To Get Big Buds?

I have seen on youtube that some people have absolutely huge buds on there Ladies and i want to know how to do this any info would be great

Thanks in advance :bigjoint:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Genetics, Enviroment, Experience, Quality Products. you nail those down and you'll be growing bud so big your plant might fall on you and kill you... well maybe not that big, but you'll get some big buds.


Well-Known Member
lotsa light and quality nutes are key, but if ur envionment sucks/fluctuates too much then your doomed, c02 ina closed room supposidly is real bud booster. molasses and sugar based products will help fatten buds, but like stated, practice makes perfect.

scroging and lst will also help, not really fatten buds but it will make more from less.
lotsa light and quality nutes are key, but if ur envionment sucks/fluctuates too much then your doomed, c02 ina closed room supposidly is real bud booster. molasses and sugar based products will help fatten buds, but like stated, practice makes perfect.

scroging and lst will also help, not really fatten buds but it will make more from less.
I was told to put honey in with the nuts is this true that it works ??? If so how much honey ?


Active Member
The answer is not honey or molasses or expensive nutrients! Watchow and Bam were right, grower skill, environment, genetics, light, nutrients in that order. Sugar based products feed microbes in the soil, NOT the bud, this is a common myth propogated by companies with products to sell! Get your environment right first, that includes CO2 availability. Get good quality genetics (they dont make racehorses out of fairground ponies) Give them as much light as you can provide and feed them quality nutrients in the right quantities at the right time and read, read, read, read and then when you think you know enough, read some more. Then grow as many plants as you can (a perpetual harvest speeds up this process) so you can put into practice what you have learned. Then hopefully you will be showing off vids on youtube. Peace W