how to get guafinessin out of syrup?


Well-Known Member
I have been reading up and apparently guafinessin is warm water soluble? And I am trying to get it out of this robo.. but when it says warm water, does it mean not boiling warm water? Or REALLY hot water? I am really confused on what it means by warm water

Sorry for the useless thread, but this is the only place where I can really figure this out on

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL Does it matter if it's just warm or hot water? I don't think so. Could be wrong. :) Try a d-Limonene if you want to try unadulterated DXM. :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
LOL Does it matter if it's just warm or hot water? I don't think so. Could be wrong. :) Try a d-Limonene if you want to try unadulterated DXM. :)
what this guy says, I said in the other thread (in the wrong forum) that he should try lemon drops

I've never done DXM, I looked into it though.. didn't seem worth it as there were mushrooms about


Oracle of Hallucinogens
there are plenty of extractions out there for getting pure DXM.. what is your level of chemistry? There is an easy one and a harder one ;-)


Well-Known Member
What are lemon drops? And lol my level of chemestry is almost nothing, I know most of the ways to extract, I just don't want to use naptha and all that other stuff. I want a way to extract it out with just water. It just makes things like 50x easier! But when you said lemon drops I was thinking agent lemon. what are lemon drops?

And you really should give dxm a chance at least once verde, its actually pretty fun and has some insight or whatever. Its nothing like any other hallucinogen you will do though.. Its more a mix of alcohol and hash brownies


Active Member
What are lemon drops? And lol my level of chemestry is almost nothing, I know most of the ways to extract, I just don't want to use naptha and all that other stuff. I want a way to extract it out with just water. It just makes things like 50x easier! But when you said lemon drops I was thinking agent lemon. what are lemon drops?

And you really should give dxm a chance at least once verde, its actually pretty fun and has some insight or whatever. Its nothing like any other hallucinogen you will do though.. Its more a mix of alcohol and hash brownies
yea dxm is definetly a crazy trip its something you gotta try at least one time you cant talk bad about it until you try it.. also the only extraction i know how to do is with delsym and water. but there is really no need to extract it from delsym because it only has dxm as the active ingredient but i guess it would be easier on your stomach


Well-Known Member
Yeah delsym is really bad, like that feeling that you have when you can actually feel it slowly creeping down your throat into your stomach.. Ick. Actually though if you havent had the grape kind, it tastes good. LikeI actually LIKED drinking it. But I just wanna extract this robo so I can see how dxm is 'the way your supposed to do it'.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
What are lemon drops? And lol my level of chemestry is almost nothing, I know most of the ways to extract, I just don't want to use naptha and all that other stuff.
That is the most effective way to extract it.. I would imagine you could try D-Limonene or Citric Acid or something, but you will get the easiest and best results using the TEK on Dextroverse.