How to get my state to become a medicinal marijuana state (Nebraska)?


Active Member
Sorry about the cross post...this is more appropriate for this forum, not the "Politics" forum.

I currently live in Nebraska. We are a very conservative state, unfortunately. However, I do have a big network of friends and some money to back it. I wanted to start out with a web prescence, create a website solely for information on medicinal marijuana, how it helps patients, you know back it up with statistics and strong sources. But, also on there, I'd like to have things like how you can help, petitions, and even try to get some people who hold office to endorse the site and the cause to continue to rally support.

Thoughts? Any tips on how to get started?

If anyone out there in RIU is from Nebraska, I'd love to hear from you...I really need some backing on this and would love to get some people who are involved in politics, or are politically well-versed to help me out. Get at me...thanks everyone.


Active Member
Well I live in NE too, but I really have no experience in this sort of business. But shit, if you start somethin let me know


I live in florida and have asked myself the same question (how to legalize my state). I was reading online and saw a story about how students at FSU were trying to get a patition of 700,000 signatures to legalize pot in florida. It didn't say if they got all the signatures but it did go on to say that the fed. Gov. Would consider it in 2010. Not nearly soon enough for me, but then again I am very impatient! Hope tis helps somehow....