How to get the most yeild


Well-Known Member
Do everything right. hi temp 85 low 75-76, proper amount of CO2 at the right times, exactly the right amount of nutrients at the right times, good light reflection, large enough pots, letting plants veg. at least until maturity, proper air movement, and exchange, adequate space for full growth, topping above the 2nd true internode, possibly a scrog. Letting the plants flower until they're done, and not being impatient, around 8500 or more lumens per sq. ft. depending on how you can deal with the heat the lights produce. Possibly a shortened light period the last 2 weeks of flowering (8 on 16 off) 2-3 days of darkness, proper drying, and cure.

All these things will help you get the most out of your grow.

I'm sure there are other things that people can add


Well-Known Member
Good genes, good soil/medium, good nutes, GOOD LIGHTING, Pots big enough, lots of TLC.....That'll pretty much do it.

Theres no one-fixes-all here. You have to have the whole system to really maximize yields, and it all starts with good genes (ie. good seeds of a high-yielding strain), then good soil/medium, etc.etc.......


Well-Known Member
Good genes, good soil/medium, good nutes, GOOD LIGHTING, Pots big enough, lots of TLC.....That'll pretty much do it.

Theres no one-fixes-all here. You have to have the whole system to really maximize yields, and it all starts with good genes (ie. good seeds of a high-yielding strain), then good soil/medium, etc.etc.......
Yea, and good genes. You MUST have top quality genes to grow top shelf bud. You can't make shit shine.