I never actualy thought about it until I saw someone pointing it out in a wikileaks discussion...
We all know places like China does the blatant censoring thing, the USA is one up on them, they managed to create a system that privatised their censorship in stead of blatant government censorship..
If I could offer a constructive informed suggestion...
It would be that we change the focus of this section of the website, so that it is not ALL other drugs.
Instead it should only be halucigens and entheogens, no addictive narcotics and pharmaceuticals and stimulants.
We are never going to get the legal world and other people in general to have a more informed view of these things, if we don't help them from the inside to classify and relate to the mirriad of natural substances out there. Plants that evolved symbioticaly with us, changeing us as much as we changed them by cultivation.