how to grow mj with thick sterm?


Well-Known Member
I seen many pictures and videos with very thick marijuana plant stems.

All my plants had and have kinda thin stems .. and i was wondering - what has to be done to grow plants with decent stems? :?


Well-Known Member

that's usually all in the genetics of the strain your growing.

But, a little hint for you... if you want to grow bigger plants (which would mean bigger stems).. I would use bigger grow containers.

The bigger the container.. the bigger the plant.

Why? Because the bigger the container is.. the more room the plants roots will have to expand and grow. Therefore, we all know (if you didnt know, now you know) that the bigger and more roots a plant has.. the bigger and more bud the plant will produce.

Hope that helped you out some..

peace and good luck to ya's.


Well-Known Member
Also, the longer the plant is allowed to live, the bigger the stem. Example, outdoor plants are always much bigger, mainly due to the fact that they are vegged for much longer periods than indoor plants. Pot size is also a key factor as ganja explained. Dont expect to get massive stems from 1-3 gal pots.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I seen many pictures and videos with very thick marijuana plant stems.

All my plants had and have kinda thin stems .. and i was wondering - what has to be done to grow plants with decent stems? :?
On an indoor grow I keep two oscillating fans on 24/7 and that really strengthens the structure of the plants.
Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
On an indoor grow I keep two oscillating fans on 24/7 and that really strengthens the structure of the plants.
Just my 2 cents.
Ah yes, yet another good point. Keep fans on 24/7.

But again, with young seedling and young sprouts.. you want to make sure you don't have the fan blowing directly on the plant. This can and will most likely cause problems. Wind burn being one of them.. but usually what will happen.. is the young sprout will fall over. What you want to do.. is keep the air around the plant circulating well enough.. to just make the young plant sway a little bit. Just enough to where the plant kinda moves around a bit. After about 2 or three weeks of growth, then you can kinda get the air more concentrated to the plant.. as by this time the plant will have had time to mature and strengthen its roots and overall structure and will be able to handle a little more air.

Either way, air circulation is vital. Especially during its younger stages of life.


PS - Nice post GWN.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I see I did neglect to mention one must be careful in the seedling stage.
A mistake you'll only make once tho.


i have mine outside, it it just over 8 weeks old and the stem is as thich as my thumb a good inch or so, it is right about 50" tall and was topped 2.5 weeks ago and thoes stems are now as big as my pinky so right about .5"thick


i forgot to mention, it has been standing up to some very strong wind gusts these past few weeks, im talkin well over 40mph at times, i was out side in the middle of the night while we were getting 5inches of rain in an hour with a mag light watching it bend down to the ground and stand right back up, i was so scarred the first few times but after 5 storms in a week i got over it, im pretty convinced that nothing short of a chainsaw is taking that down. the first 4 pics are from3 weeks ago before i did anything to the plant, the next 3 pics are from 2 weeks ago about 3 to 4 days after topping, and the last 4 pics are from about 15 minutes ago, enjoy



thanks, i appreiciate it, its my first real grow, have tried a leats 5 time since i was 15 or so and u know how it is when your a kid, dont have what u need, live at home, just to many factors, never turns out well, now im 27 and have my own house with my own yard, the nieghbors have their flowers so i thought i would just smoke mine.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. Next time I'll leave a fan on even at nights. its too late for it now tho, my girl will be ready after two or three weeks. +rep for all of you :)