how to make own strain? blueberry x bc kush


Active Member
okie so heres the deal. right now i have some bc kush growing and soon im going to get some blueberry seeds. what i really want to do is make my own strain of blueberry x kush. i just dont know how i would achieve this.

i think i may have an idea of doing it but im not sure heres my idea.

get a blueberry and kush together flowering and have 1 of them male and one female then the seeds from the female would be the mixed strain.
what the work?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
you're close. You can polinate them yourself, or they will do it on their own..

When you have a male (Lets say the Blueberry) and a female (again, we'll say the Kush).. you could collect the pollen from the Blueberry and apply it to the calyx on the BC Kush. That will make a hybrid BB x BC Kush. The same theory applies for "natural selection" but you're not doing the pollinating.


Well-Known Member
OK ur going to have to find out what u want from ur plants...,and which one u want to use as a female/male...get the plants u like and cross, then use the f1's to ether inbreed with or backcross with the mom via clone...if u inbreed i think it takes about 4-6 gens for most traits to grow stable..there also some good reading in the FAQ...goodluck and peace....MEANGREEN....

Well-Known Member
or just do a shotgun weddin'- cross 'em, grow out the seeds and select a mother for cloning or crossing. you can pollinate one branch with a q tip of pollen...let that branch grow longer than the rest(seeds need at least 5-6 wks. to develop). good luck with the kushberry, and cross it with a super sativa!