how to make plants chane colors or make colors come out


ok so how do i make the plants chane color like purple tints and stuff like heard icy water does it someone plz help me

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Cold temps at the end of flowering buddy brings out colours. I managed to get 2 non purple strains purple by doing this, Kali Mist and AFS Knockout.

So by 2 weeks away from planned finishing time bring the temps down as far as possible before you see obvious signs of stress, basically she'll droop and look sad but you'll be able to tell the difference as she'll differ from usual.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Oh yea forgot to mention by lowering temps in effect all you're doing is creating a phosphorus deficiency, or potassium... one of the two but since it's a mobile element it can't be transported due to the cold. Or you could just cut back potassium to get purple but that's going to effect you're yield, in a bad way.


Well-Known Member
I threw a load of bat guano at some super critical autos and a few of them turned black.