how to pass a drug test in 9 days?


Well-Known Member
im sorry this is not a question that has to deal with growing but it's still a serious problem. i have a drug test comming up very very soon and i know i cant pass it without a little help. so i would like to know who has any methods that they have done before and it helped them pass a drug test.


Well-Known Member
just go to a head shop and get some detox shit, flush your whole system. if you dont have one near you just search for some online.


Well-Known Member
get a urinator and some synthetic urine . forget trying to beat it with your own piss.
if you are gonna cheat make sure you cheat and get 100%
they carry them at lots of headshops too


Well-Known Member
Here are a few steps to ridicule those THC metabolites out of your blood, urine, and feces.

1. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Mainly anything that consists of antioxidant inhibitors, this will eradicate all the free radicals in your body.
2. Exercise, and plenty of it, your sweat glands expel all the excessive radicals in your body as well. You're basically cleaning yourself, through running or body workouts.
3. Take vitamin supplements that have all the necessary minerals and vitamins you need, to sustain a strong response on cleaning your immune system.
4. Eating more often, can contribute to more bowel movements, so its best you excrete as much feces as possible, so that less THC is exhibited into your body.
5. Sleep at a normal time frame, and get at least 8 hours of adequate sleep, this will make your bodys defenses rise and destroy most of the THC throughout it's half-life.

I don't have any other ideas at this point and time, but this is possible, and can be achieved if you put your dedication to it.


Active Member
If nobody's going to hold it for you or watch then get some synthetic stuff. Its 100% as long as you make sure its the right temp. Tape it to your leg or something. Just in case they have you empty your pockets. If they are watching you then the fake dong works. My friend used it and had no problems. Had a few friends fail trying to flush their system. THC is fat soluble so it stays in your system for a while and is tough to get out. Hope this help a lil. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
depends on your metabolism too though. im clean in two weeks without even doing anything out of the ordinary... but yeah if no ones watching go ahead and buy that shit. no need to take the risk unless you plan on testing yourself before you go...


Well-Known Member
If nobody's going to hold it for you or watch then get some synthetic stuff. Its 100% as long as you make sure its the right temp. Tape it to your leg or something. Just in case they have you empty your pockets. If they are watching you then the fake dong works. My friend used it and had no problems. Had a few friends fail trying to flush their system. THC is fat soluble so it stays in your system for a while and is tough to get out. Hope this help a lil. Good luck with that.
Synthetic anything is insignificant, and doesn't promote any good conclusion, I think its a bunch of repulsive bullshit really..

And what if he has a probation officer to view him? what then? that synthetic tool, is irrelevant.

I wouldn't use anything like that, especially if its an object.

Look, I know this guy needs to get his system cleaned, but doing this synthetically is just not good enough, and it's not something that would help, especially if you got caught in the process, it's too much of a risk, and I think it would be better to follow my suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few steps to ridicule those THC metabolites out of your blood, urine, and feces.

1. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Mainly anything that consists of antioxidant inhibitors, this will eradicate all the free radicals in your body.
2. Exercise, and plenty of it, your sweat glands expel all the excessive radicals in your body as well. You're basically cleaning yourself, through running or body workouts.
3. Take vitamin supplements that have all the necessary minerals and vitamins you need, to sustain a strong response on cleaning your immune system.
4. Eating more often, can contribute to more bowel movements, so its best you excrete as much feces as possible, so that less THC is exhibited into your body.
5. Sleep at a normal time frame, and get at least 8 hours of adequate sleep, this will make your bodys defenses rise and destroy most of the THC throughout it's half-life.
Wow I gave this list a read and no way would or could I think about going though all this to pass a pee test. Give me fake urine or shit to drink but fuck don't make me get off the couch.


Well-Known Member
Wow I gave this list a read and no way would or could I think about going though all this to pass a pee test. Give me fake urine or shit to drink but fuck don't make me get off the couch.
What you can do, is at least read my PM, and reply to it. :hump:


Well-Known Member
k well i can help without you having to buy 60$ detox drinks or spending 300$ on a urinator so u can get a felony in the process... thats right, using a urinator is a felony!

i and many people i know have used this method over and over and it works every time if u follow the directions right.

k first go to any grocery store and ask for a canning product called certal or sure-gel. it should only cost u about 5 bucks for 2 packs.

take the powderd gel and mix it well with a big cup of juice, carefull not to let it mix too long because it will start to get more thick the longer u wait. so drink up fast.

ok so u have 2 packs of canning product mixed well with one big ass cup of juice, now dont do n e of the mixing or drinking untill about 2 hours befor your test.

so 2 hours befor your test down that whole drink and then just keep drinking water, as much as u can, and pee alot too. the gel substance adheres to the fat that is constantly being shead through pee (thc bonds to your fat) thats how they can tell u have done drugs. so as the gel covers the sheading fat it doesnt allow the fats and toxins atatched to enter your urine, alowing you to basicaly pee water.

the fact that u are going to hand them something that looks more like water than pee they can get a little... concerned if u are trying to fake it.

theres a verry easy way to get around that too. the night befor get some food thats really greasy, fried chicken or pizza or something like that with alot of grease. eat that the night befor and the morning of the test, the grease will be in the pee the way the water will be and it wil make it look yellower so u dont arouse suspicioun.

good luck! hope i helped



Well-Known Member
k well i can help without you having to buy 60$ detox drinks or spending 300$ on a urinator so u can get a felony in the process... thats right, using a urinator is a felony!

i and many people i know have used this method over and over and it works every time if u follow the directions right.

k first go to any grocery store and ask for a canning product called certal or sure-gel. it should only cost u about 5 bucks for 2 packs.

take the powderd gel and mix it well with a big cup of juice, carefull not to let it mix too long because it will start to get more thick the longer u wait. so drink up fast.

ok so u have 2 packs of canning product mixed well with one big ass cup of juice, now dont do n e of the mixing or drinking untill about 2 hours befor your test.

so 2 hours befor your test down that whole drink and then just keep drinking water, as much as u can, and pee alot too. the gel substance adheres to the fat that is constantly being shead through pee (thc bonds to your fat) thats how they can tell u have done drugs. so as the gel covers the sheading fat it doesnt allow the fats and toxins atatched to enter your urine, alowing you to basicaly pee water.

the fact that u are going to hand them something that looks more like water than pee they can get a little... concerned if u are trying to fake it.

theres a verry easy way to get around that too. the night befor get some food thats really greasy, fried chicken or pizza or something like that with alot of grease. eat that the night befor and the morning of the test, the grease will be in the pee the way the water will be and it wil make it look yellower so u dont arouse suspicioun.

good luck! hope i helped

If you're going to give the man some input, at least contrive a proper paragraph.


Well-Known Member
that shit does not work man. i got fired from my job because someone told me that shit would make me pass when i got randomly tested. fucking sure-gel bullshit does nothing.


Well-Known Member
that shit does not work man. i got fired from my job because someone told me that shit would make me pass when i got randomly tested. fucking sure-gel bullshit does nothing.
I was actually going to tell this guy his suggestion was inferior, but I edited it and made it more obvious that his suggestion was folly.


Well-Known Member
im 6'5 270 pounds got me a job on a Oil Rig which you have to stop doing everything if ya want to work on one of those . anyhow i had to take a piss test for the job and i had stopped smoking a week prior to this . I drank nothing but water for like 2 days and had about 3 liters b4 i actually had to take the test. Well when i get to the place to take the test it was one of those that they test it right on the spot with this lil tab type thing . Well i passed and got the job and was happy as could be . Like i said i quit smoking for the job .... so it has been about 1 month and i was working on the rig , not smoking , and our lil saftey guy comes to the rig one day for pee pee test. I had nothing to worry ... so i thought . I go in to piss in his cup for him not worried one bit about anything , i did my business handed him the cup , signed the paper saying this is my specimen and i was off for my 7 days . We worked 7 on 7 off . So i return for my next week on the rig and my driller walks up to me and say's .. " No one called you bro " ? I was no why , he said " dude ya failed your piss test " ... I was like WTF your kindding me dude ... ? ? ? He said nope . So i got suspened for 45 days and was able to retake the test at the end of the 45 days and i finally passed . So the moral of the story is WEED takes 4ever to get out of your system . I sweated my ass off on that rig , was during the Texas summer heat and 1 month after being there i failed my first piss test after not smoking for month and half . Best i can give ya is if its sent off to be tested your fucked !! sorry to say . But if they test it right there with test strips , Drink tons of water and i means tons Good Luck


Well-Known Member
some guy told me to do this exact same thing when i was called for a random test one day. and guess what, i failed... and lost my job!


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to give up on suggestions here, because it seems that people come in with the most incompetent ideas ever perceived.


Well-Known Member
hahaha i like what a controversy we have created, and the person who started it is no longer even here...


Well-Known Member
And how will the grease come out if the fat wont come out ? ? Does the sure -gel pick and choice what grease to keep around ? Im corn-fused


Well-Known Member
Yeah, soo much for cleaning his system out..... He might just take that other guys idea, because he seems like a pseudo intellectual that would anyways.

My suggestion was too informative for any typical person to read, that's why people flow in with so many irrelevant suggestions.