• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How to prepare for a big ol mushroom dose?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm ready to try and blow myself out of the water and see what mushrooms can really do.. I just bought some a week or two ago, and shared them twice, lower doses.. About a year ago I ate 7 grams and that was the highest that I have ever gone. This time though, I'm buying this same strain that I received last week, and they are.. VERY potent. I want to eat 10 grams, but how much should I do? I want to do it in my house, but I don't want to freak out.. I don't think I will because I am very level headed on psychedelics. I was fine last time. Some RC's have caused me some freak out sessions, but thats because with the mindset it throws you in, and whilst bombarding your receptors, you don't really think right. Plus I am always convinced that I took to much and my brains just gonna explode. Sooo I refuse to take any RC drugs anymore, besides MXE. Or if 4 aco was around. Anyways with the shit thats happened on them.. The only thing I am ever worried about is dying of a brain explosion. And I remember last time on the Q mushies I kept getting these intense vibrations in my brain, I quickly got used to them and realized they actually felt good. Now on an RC I would've thought I was going to die.

When other people are around it kind of fucks with my head for some reason. I think I am going to have one of my roomates watch me though because you never know.. I'm not one to freak out, especially with things that won't hurt me in any way. The things I am worried about though.. How long does this kind of thing mess you up for? I've heard things of people being completely wiped for days after something like that. I just want to be sure that I am okay to go work and be normal within at least 40 hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how you can really prepare for it. it seems like you are as prepared as one could get. it's something i've done plenty of times, but it's still intimidating.The worst part for me on doses that high, is it fucks my stomach up, and I'll spend a lot of time puking rainbows in a toilet. But besides that, it's just a really hard trip. you should grind them up really good, unless you want to sit there and chew up 10 grams. the better you chew/grind them up... the less it hurts your stomach... and the faster you'll trip.

The most I ate was 14 grams at a slipknot concert. I ended up collapsing in the middle of tons of people.... music blaring... me puking and pissing on myself babbling random nonsense. Normally I stick to around 5-7 grams now.

It sounds like you have it planned out right. just have one trusted friend over. personally, i would just do it alone, but since you haven't eaten that much, then having a sitter is probably good. it'll be 10-12 hours (sometimes a little more) before you can sleep again, then after you sleep and eat you'll be baseline.

when were you planning on doing this? I was actually planning on another high dose one myself. I ate 6 grams on sunday, to prepare a little bit, and remember the power of the shroom.

oh yeah, you need weed and whippets. a sitter will help for whippets. those things can get pretty complicated on 10grams of shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I guess so, when I ate that quarter I remember I was so confused.. I got lost in the courtyard here and just laid there.. No idea where I was.. It was mind blowing though.

But holy shit dude, 14?!?! God, I couldn't even imagine.. Haha I read this tr of this guy who is paralyzed in a wheel chair, who took LSD and before getting on a rollercoaster, smoked crack. He said he was laughing uncontrollably at the end and had his own piss and shit all over him. But nobody thought anything because they thought he was retarded xD

Anyways I might just go it alone, like I said other people freak me out, I guess I'm just like subconsciously an introvert.. Its like, on the quarter I was fine, but then I read things like what trippy mayne posted and it makes me second guess myself. I think it just really really depends on the person.. But aliens n shit? What happens to you? I'll know when I experience it I guess, but an outline would be nice.

And yeah I always make sure I have weed, whippets though man.. Jeez lol guess I'll order a box, sounds interesting!


Well-Known Member
well they call whippets hippie crack for a reason. i swear when you are tripping, it's like psychedelic crack. don't do too many of them. i just do like 10-11 in a night. back in the day i'd go through a few boxes in a night.

i don't really like being around people when i'm tripping either. i am kind of an introvert as it is... but that's not really why i don't like tripping around people. it's like if i just have a sitter, i don't like the weird vibe that they are just there to make sure i'm okay, and watch me. it feels weird. and when i'm tripping with others that are tripping, i feel like i need to be social, and entertain... or something. not quite sure but I don't like it as much. unless it's a low dose, purely fun trip. then sure... but any high dose trip, i go alone. You will definitely get confused and lost on 10 grams. you just have to roll with it pretty much. I'm not really good at explaining trips, or how it feels, or what I see... which sucks, because I've had so many incredible trips. but I love reading others, because then I can be like "ohh yeah I know exactly what he means"". pr "pshh, this person has noooo idea"

things i do in preparation for those trips if i'm alone... i'll get a water bottle full of cold water... i'll pack every bowl i have and roll some blunts... i'll load up my dmt bong with a huge dose.... get all the music and other entertainment ready. hang up a bunch of trippy and cool posters/pictures.... set up all the trippy lights.... and that's about it. turn off phone.... lock doors... hide all knives and guns.. lol


Active Member
Just because shrooms come from nature and not a Chinese RC lab doesn't mean a strong dose can't be rough. If you think too hard you will think about things you may not want to think about. Best advice if that happens is tell yourself to turn off the top part of your brain and turn off the internal voice and just feel the experience. Keep the trip a body trip and less of a head trip. One way to keep the trip concentrated on the body instead of the head is to have sex while tripping. Preferably with a partner. Good music and a comfy place to lay down and close your eyes to explore your inner landscape would be good. 10 grams? Entity contact is a definite possibility.

And, yes, purging is likely with that much unless you have an iron stomach. In ayahuasca and Navajo peyote ceremonies the puking is just part of the experience.

Good luck Major Tom ;)


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks guys, skuxx, I've done my fair share of whippets, but honestly.. Never on psychedelics.. One time when I was.. ehh.. about 19, I was on 2c e and huffed an airduster.. And that was not a good experience.. God I used to be so fucking stupid, its honestly embarrassing.. But hmmm, this one girl.. I don't know, she's pretty special to me, but unfortunately she's moving to do her masters on Friday.. But I think she'd be down, I've known her forevverrrrrr, plus shes going away so that gives me more of an excuse xD Will I be unable to pack bowls?? Jesus fuck dude, this is exciting, but I'm going to wait until the perfectestestest time to do it.

Shemp, your right, I could see how psychs, no matter what the substance could definitely get to you.. Its just those RC's, they glitched out my brain so bad a couple of times.. I was so scared of death that I thought no precious psychedelic could traumatize me. Theres been two instances now where 25i/c nBOME have caused me to freak out so bad that I thought I was going to die.. Fuck those things, I'll never touch them again. And I'm not even kidding.
That girl though, I've been seeing her for a couple weeks and she's just great.. Not awkward at all(unlike how I am with a lot of girls).. And I just.. I don't know, she makes me happy.. Shed be a great addition to the trip day! The sex too :D Ahh.. I already planned on this though, I'll just give her a couple grams, she doesn't even like eating more than that, last week she refused to eat any more..
Puking though.. How long should I hold it down? I know I'll puke because last time, 2.1-3 made me want to barf.. 10.. Jeez.. And also is tea the best route? Or powder? I ate powder once, because I had the mushrooms for so long they kid of.. Crumbled.. But it was not very pleasant.. Then again I was licking it off of a scale which had had all sorts of nasty things on it...Who knows..

How do I keep myself from barfing or getting it all down without barfing before its all in my system?


Active Member
Thanks for the memories. Id go with you in a heartbeat. If I only knew where to get the fucking things anymore!. In highschool my roomie grew um and he owned a pizza parlor. We would kick it in there ofr days watching pink floyd vids over and over again. I probably ate 10 grams in a night easy. Being around people that high is a hard thing cause they could very eisily ruin your buzz with their bad trip. Ive seen guys do some realy stupid shit and get everybody in trouble. Have fun and try to remember what it was like and share it here. I love reading the shit!


Well-Known Member
Well it seems like you have some experience with high mushroom doses, so you are about as prepared as you are going to get.

My question is, what exactly are you looking to try to get out of a dose that high?


Well-Known Member
Sonar is right - you had better have a purpose in mind other than seeing how many you can choke down.


Well-Known Member
tooooooooooooooo many mushrooooooooooooms!

His purpose should probably just be to have fun. That always worked well for me


Well-Known Member
There's a few reasons, I'm interested just to see what happens. on here people were saying that anything below 8 grams or so is just playing. And some trip reports.. Jeez, I'm just interested and yes, I am going to try and have fun with it.

Of course, insight will probably be inevitable at that dosage..


Well-Known Member
Of course, insight will probably be inevitable at that dosage..
Having never done a dose that high, but having sat for those who did, the typical insight was: Never do that again.

I'm Ok with being on the outside looking in for this area.

Your set and setting is CRITICAL. Are you looking to change anything in your life? Better be in a positive mind set concerning this, or have a very good sitter.


Well-Known Member
I've heard people say never again... But I think I'll be okay, I just need to wait until when I wake up in the morning, because I need to wake up on the right side of the bed. That's all it comes to. Setting will be fine, my best friend of 10 years will be watching over me.

Lol and Davejr, funny you should say that, check out the PC game columbine massacre 3000


Yeah make sure your well rested and eat some food before hand.. The most i have had and i kid you not was about 22g in 12 hours.. me and 2 other friends went out and got 3 ounces and by the night was over we had less then an 8th and we all ate the same amount.. We were fine after we rested which are brains were hurting once we came back to reality lol but after our long nap we were all pretty much back to normal besides feeling stupid all day :) We will never eat that much again as for the last 8th we had ate we decided to run threw his parents fridge and start smelling food :( bad idea.. then we all puked for a good 20 mins.. which.. now mind me we were tripping balls.. but the puke was red.. So could be b/c we were tripping as it came out that way or looked that way but still kinda threw us all for a loop.. We had just started drinking tons of water and decided to lay down and just watch the room around us.. But we were all ok and still function properly.. But after we had done all our puking my friend decided that we needed to go back to his apartment and made me drive.. So that was a bit of a pain. But we did make it threw it and it was a blast :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The only reason why i am slowly working myself up to a 10 gram dose is because i heard of this thing called the "the ego state" where you loose all sense of self and all you have left is the experience. If i were you, i would make a slow progression toward those higher doses, start out with 7 grams, then 8, then 9... see how you feel after each dose. Personally, being a pretty experienced mushroom taker, i like to take higher doses by myself. Yeah i might go for a walk in the park, or go to the pool, i have enough control over myself in such high doses that im not going to do anything stupid (publicly).

It's just a hell of a lot easier for me to completely enjoy my trip when i don't have to worry about anyone else but myself, some people not used to such high doses might send you a bad vibe, or start wigging out.... which will inevitably completely ruin your trip.

If it's cold and snowy outside, it might be better to wait until it warms up for high 8-10 gram doses, i don't know about you but sometimes being inside the whole trip makes me feel icky lol, i can't really explain it, i need to go outside for a walk sometimes and when its cold out and im tripping ballz, fuuuuck that!

Good luck, dose responsibly. Just remember, it's not going to last forever, they way you feel isn't going to last forever... and you don't really know anything at all, and you will be just fine.

My favorite way to dose, is to "Lemon Tek" half of my dose, and while im waiting for the 30min. chemical reaction to take place ill eat the other ones. As soon as i eat/drink the lemon tek half, 10 minutes later.... holy fuckin shit, unreal.


Well-Known Member
I like to trip, i hate to eat them tho......I grind them up in a coffee grinder and stuff powder in capsules. They sell empty capsules at health stores etc, you can make half gram pills or full gram pills, and they go down easy as pie.The only way you ever taste them this way is burping..