How to prevent Milk-stains on leaf Please!


To solve powdery mildew use Serenade. Once you have signs showing on leaves the plant has been infected for a couple weeks and milk (?!?) is unlikely to penetrate into the plant I imagine, so while it might help the leaves like baking soda (changes the pH so mildew won't grow) your plant is still gonna taste a bit mildewy (unless you're allergic in which case it may be much worse). Get the concentrate and dilute it yourself to spray. Google serenade biofungicide. and +rep for Urine! Its sterile, so aside from the salt content piss is good -- beehives in India comes to mind also :)


I have a buddy who had that same problem and after tons and tons of research on the subject he found a sure fire way to stop that from happening. Stop putting milk on your plant. =)

If you're doing that to prevent mildew then all I can suggest is maybe spray it with some water after-wards to rinse it off. If you're doing it for other reasons, stop doing it. A drop of liquid dish soap would diluted in water would be better.

I am in flowering stage and I would think putting liquid dish soap in my bud would be alot worse than milk.

What was this big cure? The soap? And yes I did a rinse off the next day. However if you rinse right away it defeats the purpose. I will try a lesser % of milk.

Regarding greencure: I have tried it in various doses with zero effectiveness. I do not know why it does not work...but it doesnt. Maybe its the strain of PM around here who knows. My buddies halve sulphur burners and I've never noticed any difference of taste/smell between their final product and non-sulphur environments.

Nothing so far has shown any ill effects regarding using milk (other than some stains on the leaves which is annoying), so im definitely going to keep using it as it seems to work.