How to run 8x1000w?


I got 8 1000watt hps ballast and I want to know whats the best way to run these? I was thinking of getting a 50amp timer box(like the one in the pic). If I get this will I have to add a 50amp breaker to my main panel and wire a 220v plug? Do you guys have any better ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If you are not electronically inclined then diff go with a box that like. You will need a 50-60amp 220v breaker in your main panel. Yes there are somewhat better way to do it but not if you have no idea what you are doing :)

P.S - Sorry, I know you butthole is gonna hurt buying that thing. There is like 200 bucks worth of product there and they probably will charge you over $1000


Active Member
whoaaa u have too many lights...
Too many? 8000 is great for 12 plants vegged to 1.5 months before flower.

I don't care if your stuff would knock my socks off but maybe if you had half the ambition of the OP your bud's would look TWICE as nice. And no, I'm not trying to insult you - but don't come into someones thread and spew non-sense when they are trying to ask a serious question.


New Member
Watch out, you can't just go around changing breakers! The wire running on the breaker also needs to be upgraded or it can overheat and cause a fire. If that happens your insurance company WON'T cover it because you modified it improperly


Well-Known Member
You will need to add the 50 amp breaker.
If you want to get that sweet timer box the best setup would be to hardwire it directly from a 50A breaker in your main panel to the timer box, or to a 220v outlet and use the lame plug supplied. Make sure that you use the proper gauge (size) wire.


Active Member
I'm going to give you some advice no one else has given you in this thread......I don't know why. Hire an electrician. Tell him you're starting a tomato growing business or your growing dildo's he doesn't give a fuck. Tell him your legal, indoor garden needs 8000 watts on a 220v circuit WITHIN all electrical codes. It will be well worth the investment. Good luck, those lights are gonna rock rock rock it!(lol i had to)


New Member
well I googled this information, looks like it depends on the length of wire used too.
3' 16 ga
5' 14 ga
7' 12 ga
15' 10 ga
25' 8 ga

I know in car audio they use 0 gauge for 1000+ watts
As the one dude said, you need at a minimum 20amp breaker for each pair of 1K watt lights. So just doing the math means at a bare minimum it'll take 80amps just for your lighting. Thats not including power to run anything else! What about ventilation equip., circulating fans, hydro system pumps, etc? If you don't hire it out you got a lot of work and thought ahead of you. I built my own 6K grow box but took about 4 weeks of nothing buy planning, drawing, re-drawing, price checking, re-thinking, before I built the thing. I wired it myself, but I wired my own home as well, everything from the power companies pole to the outlets. Be careful!


Active Member
just run 4000 w at a time with a light controller and a flip box,i think you can run 6k easy off a 30 amp circuit with a dpc 7500 from powerbox.


Active Member
just run 4000 w at a time with a light controller and a flip box,i think you can run 6k easy off a 30 amp circuit with a dpc 7500 from powerbox.
I wouldn't recommend running 6k watts of lighting and the cooling/ventilation you're going to need on a 30 amp circuit. After JUST your lights, you would have only 600w to move/cool air. Not to mention that is a solution for only 3/4 of the light he has with no cooling.

Just call a professional, man. You won't regret it, trust me.
6K off of a 30amp-you'll be tripping it every time! Why would skimp on your electric? Shit, it's the lifeline of your grow, and possibly yourself if you go burning your place down! Do your homework thoroughly, spend the money and build it better than it should be, or hire someone to do it for you. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them.