How to save this baby?


Active Member
Alright, so obviously I am a newbie in over my head.

This here is fermed WW from Nirvana. Flowering on day 45 today. I fought a couple of battles and found out my tap water has way to high HP. So I got some PH down and now water it with 6,0, changing to 6,5 after a while. So, with that out the PH is finally good.

The story:
On October 16th I put a seed into a growing medium, and just about 9 days later i saw green. After vegging it for about 3 weeks I took out some clones, and let them root. I kept 3 outta 8 and these and their mother is now my grow. I grow them in a closed tall kitchencloset (60x60cm) with a 250W HQI lamp for veg and a 250W SON-T for flowering. During veg I had no trouble. I fed them once a week, and watered when needed. Plants grew quickly and on December 2nd I switched lamp and put them into flowering.

After about 3 weeks of flowering the clones were VERY light colored, while the mother was really dark green colored. I did not think much about it and kept going like always. After another week i started getting see through spots, burned tips, dark spots and dry leaves. I tried identifying the problem, but it seems I have a lot of different symptoms so pointing out an actual cause has been hard. What I ended up doing was flushing the pots with PHed water and go down to 1/5th of the regular amount of food. The problem seemed to stay, but new growth was darker colored (still far from the mother) so I figured I did something right. Still, I feel something is off, and I am currently unable to ID the actual problem and how to solve it.

So far the tris look good, and starting to get really milky, and the buds looks better than anything I ever bought. But the burned leaves worry me.

Now, considering I'm VERY new at this and these are my first 4 plants, I probably need questions asked. Also mind the fact that I do not use English as my everyday tongue and I do not have Wallmart or any of the other american stores where I live. So yeah, ask me anything. All help is deeply appreciated.

(unable to post pics so putting them in next post)


Well-Known Member
Your at 45 days flower. You have done very well for a 1st timer.
I would not worry..they will be ready very soon. Maybe a week or two. Check the Trichomes.


Active Member
So I should just keep doing what I do now? 1/5th food about once a week and water when top of dirt is dry?


Well-Known Member
Whatever you've been doing has been working, keep doin it.
the burnt will stay burnt but it won't mess up other buds.
Great Looking Plants for a first grow.
I burned my first plants tops with light.
Im flowering my second plant and I burned this one too, with Nutes.


Active Member
I agree with Ring and Dog^^,you have done very well for your first grow.
GL with your grow.


Well-Known Member
do you self a favor. use your trimming sears. you see the browning leafs on the bud. they will keep browning and end up inside the bud. makes very ugly bud when its finished. trim those leafs off after the brown spot. if possible. if your with in a week or so of harvest don't worry. just leave it if more then 2 weeks it has to come off. that goes for other browning leafs as well. those fan leafs that start to change color to ugly , they need to come off. its normal to lose some leafs during flower.


Active Member
do you self a favor. use your trimming sears. you see the browning leafs on the bud. they will keep browning and end up inside the bud. makes very ugly bud when its finished. trim those leafs off after the brown spot. if possible. if your with in a week or so of harvest don't worry. just leave it if more then 2 weeks it has to come off. that goes for other browning leafs as well. those fan leafs that start to change color to ugly , they need to come off. its normal to lose some leafs during flower.
Alright, I'll get to it asap. Lights off now, so first thing in the morning.

Any ideas what caused the brown tips/teeth on my leaves just by looking at what they look like, and the part where my clones are light green whilst the mother is dark green?


Active Member
Dark green just means its getting more nitrogen and the clones are getting less. Its because the mother has a more developed root system. Maybe give the clones a little root enhancer during veg next time. Not a big deal, they look great. Im about to start flowering my first grow in the next week, i HOPE they look as good as yours (minus burn). Well done.


Active Member
Okay, so hopefully I'll stick to what I'm doing and cut away the brown/burned parts of the leaves.

While doing this I am also starting my next grow. This time I'm growing in soil meant for food-plants (recommended for tomatoes). I am about to buy BioBizz Root Juice, Biobizz Bio Grow and Biobizz Bio Bloom. I also have some small bags of Green House Powder Feeding (Mother plant, seedling and mostly indica) and epsom salt for whenever that is needed. Are these usable? What else should I really get to make this 2nd grow turn out even better?

Also, im gonna take a few pics of the cabinet later just to get some comments on it and maybe some tips about what to do to enhance it and my grow along with it.

As always, all replies are deeply appreciated, so thank you :)


Active Member

Leaves are crisp and dry. Could this be the lamp burning them/too close or not enough water?