How to smoke safely.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

thought id open up this subject about having full on panic attacks / paranoid episodes from bong rips or joints.
If anyone cares to chime in please do. My advice - as ive been dealing with this for years is:

Dont smoke large amounts. If its your first smoke for the day / week / month. Go Easy.
take 1 small puff. or 1/4 bong only. dont fill that bong up all the way and pull it through.
you will end up in a corner shaking regretting your life...

i have extreme anxiety attacks from weed if i do it wrong.
on a typical day of smoking ill start with 1 small puff. so small you might wonder why i bother?
because the next hit in like 30 mins to 1 hour is gonna be a bigger puff.
after puffing consistently for an hour or 2 with small little hits / puffs ill start to go bigger each time until that afternoon im ripping the whole bong packed full.
you gotta ease into it kinda. this works for me. i think that the anxiety comes from overdoing it. same way as you would puke from drinking too much.
if you having panic attacks then i would strongly suggest you greatly reduce how much you smoke. you can still smoke. but just do silly small hits.

Essentially - if you take too much medicine from a doctor - its bad for you. it can have a reaction.
weed is the same. too much THC = trembling and hating your life. you dont have to pack your bong full. you dont have to finish the whole joint. its ok to have 1 small pull. everyone is different. some people can handle THC with no problem. some cant.
Hey guys,

thought id open up this subject about having full on panic attacks / paranoid episodes from bong rips or joints.
If anyone cares to chime in please do. My advice - as ive been dealing with this for years is:

Dont smoke large amounts. If its your first smoke for the day / week / month. Go Easy.
take 1 small puff. or 1/4 bong only. dont fill that bong up all the way and pull it through.
you will end up in a corner shaking regretting your life...

i have extreme anxiety attacks from weed if i do it wrong.
on a typical day of smoking ill start with 1 small puff. so small you might wonder why i bother?
because the next hit in like 30 mins to 1 hour is gonna be a bigger puff.
after puffing consistently for an hour or 2 with small little hits / puffs ill start to go bigger each time until that afternoon im ripping the whole bong packed full.
you gotta ease into it kinda. this works for me. i think that the anxiety comes from overdoing it. same way as you would puke from drinking too much.
if you having panic attacks then i would strongly suggest you greatly reduce how much you smoke. you can still smoke. but just do silly small hits.

Essentially - if you take too much medicine from a doctor - its bad for you. it can have a reaction.
weed is the same. too much THC = trembling and hating your life. you dont have to pack your bong full. you dont have to finish the whole joint. its ok to have 1 small pull. everyone is different. some people can handle THC with no problem. some cant.
You might want to give a Volcanoe vape a try. Its clean, quiet, and can be gradually consumed, without a lot of smell.
I find Sativas give me Anxiety where Indicas relax me a bit more.
Either one can trigger a spiral. but Sativa is most dangerous for me.
I have a Strawberry Lemonade Barneys Farm plant which is mostly Sativa.
Me and all my friends joke how that plant hates us because the bud it produces can make anyone have a panic attack.
Ive seen a seasoned smoker decide to quit after smoking one joint of Strawberry lemonade. he started again in a few months.
But it was so bad that he quit for months. I think he stared into the Abyss and got scared.
I did warn him that it was strong as f*ck but he didn't listen and smoked too much.
I think the culture of doing monster dabs and getting high af is crazy. 2 or 3 puffs off a joint or flower vaporizer or one small puff off a cartridge pen puts me somewhere between a glass of wine and a martini and I'm good.

Cannabis affects my wife and I very differently. Most cultivars energize me and most put my wife to sleep. Doing a lot will make me a little paranoid, but I've never done enough to be uncomfortable. No interest in doing that much.
Take Benadryl allergy liquid elixir 15 minutes before you toke up. Seriously it really works! @curious2garden and @cannabineer suggested it. Sativas make me anxious too and I was huffing on a tangerine dream cartridge a couple weeks ago with no bad side effects.
Reduces the histamine response whether vaping or smoking. I'd ask the smoking pot ain't safe but vaping is guy for his peer reviewed medical studies but there aren't any, yet. The truth is we don't know the pulmonary consequences of vaping or smoking and I've always been at an age I was willing to trade a little quantity for quality.
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Weed in any form makes my nose run for a bit, I just keep Kleenexes around. It also makes me cough if I take anything other than a small hit which is strange because I smoke cigs all day long. (I was going to expound on other Kleenex usage because I know it will go there, but I didn't).